history- elizabeth

This class was created by Brainscape user amber patel. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (36)

Elizabeth's background
Who was her mother and father,
When did she reign from,
How old was she when she became q...
11  cards
who had power?
Which 4 groups had power,
Who were lord lieutenants appoint...,
What was the role of lord lieuten...
13  cards
Elizabeth's Problems
What were the 6 problems she faced,
How was succession a problem,
Why was ireland a problem
7  cards
Arguments for marriage,
Arguments against marriage,
Who were her possible suitors
6  cards
relationships with Parliament
How were parliament involved in h...,
How was parliament involved in re...,
How was parliament involved with ...
10  cards
Essex Rebellion
When was the essex s rebellion,
Essex s background,
What year was essex a privy counc...
10  cards
a golden age
What was the order of the great c...,
Who built hardwick house,
What was hardwick house
6  cards
When was the building of the firs...,
Who attended performances,
What were the gentlemen s rooms
16  cards
more theatre
Why was the theatre so popular,
Why was there opposition to the t...,
What did ticket price depend on
7  cards
Elizabethan accomplishments
What were the accomplishments,
9  cards
was it really a golden age?
Blood sports,
Questionable practises,
Torture and execution
7  cards
reasons for poverty
What were the reasons for poverty,
What were paupers,
Flu outbreak
6  cards
attitudes to poor
What did the great chain of being...,
What did many people believe,
What did many people understand
10  cards
attempts to deal with poverty
What happened from 1495,
What happened from 1531,
What happened to beggars caught a...
8  cards
the poor law
When was the first ever poor law ...,
What did the poor law of 1601 state,
What 3 groups were the poor categ...
7  cards
As well as a golden age what else...,
What sailors helped to increase e...,
What happened between 1577 1580
16  cards
how was exploration possible?
What 3 things made exploration po...,
What defences were there,
What navigation was there
4  cards
impact on voyages
Who was john hawkins,
What did john hawkins do in terms...,
What did john hawkins do in 1564
23  cards
Catholics and Protestants
Who do catholics think is the hea...,
What language are bible and churc...,
Should priests marry in catholicism
13  cards
challenges to Elizabeth's religious settlement
What was the northern rebellion i...,
Who led the northern rebellion,
How many men did the northern reb...
16  cards
the Catholic threat
When was the throckmorton plot,
Who lead the throckmorton plot,
What was the plan for the throckm...
22  cards
Elizabeth's response to the Catholic threat after 1580
What did elizabeth move away from,
What happened in 1571,
What could happen to catholics wh...
12  cards
why did Elizabeth's religious policy change?
The threat from abroad,
Jesuit missionaries,
Powerful catholics
4  cards
Who were puritans,
What happened by 1568 with puritans,
What were hard line puritans
10  cards
Elizabeth's response to Puritanism
When did grindal die,
Who did elizabeth replace grindal...,
When did robert dudley die
10  cards
why did the influence of Puritanism decline after 1590?
John field,
Church of england
4  cards
the failure of rebellions against Elizabeth
What were the reasons for rebellion,
What were examples of religion be...,
What was an example of power and ...
5  cards
why did plots against Elizabeth fail?
A skilled politician,
Religious settlement
5  cards
Mary, Queen of Scots
What was her relation to elizabeth,
What religion was she,
How old was she when she became q...
8  cards
the threat of Mary, Queen of Scots
Why did her arrival in england co...,
What was elizabeth s reaction to ...,
What happened to mary in england
5  cards
the Babington Plot
Who was the plotter,
What was the plot,
The plot uncovered
4  cards
Elizabeth's treatment of Mary, Queen of Scots
When was mary put on trial,
Who was mary put on trial in fron...,
How did mary defend herself
13  cards
why was there conflict between France and Spain?
The papal bull,
What did the pope command all cat...,
Was philip keen to follow the pop...
20  cards
naval warfare
What did henry viii do,
What were ships like before 1500,
What were tudor ships designed for
17  cards
the Spanish Armada
When did philip launch his armada,
What did the armada consist of,
Why did philip want to sail to th...
16  cards
how was the Armada defeated?
English tactics,
Spanish mistakes,
The weather
4  cards

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history- elizabeth

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