history - conflict and tension

This class was created by Brainscape user Lola Barden. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Treaty of Versailles
When was the treaty signed,
What was article 231,
Which term did germany hate the most
21  cards
International Agreements
When was the locarno treaty,
Who thought of the locarno treaty,
Who did stresemann invite to sign...
22  cards
The Armistice - Aims of the Peacemakers
When was the paris peace conference,
Who led the discussions at the pa...,
Who was the prime minister of france
30  cards
Impacts and Reactions of the Treaty of Versailles
What do many historians believe t...,
What was britain s overall attitu...,
How had people in britains been c...
40  cards
The League of Nations and its Collapse
What was the league of nations,
What were the 4 aims that countri...,
How many members were there when ...
86  cards
The Development of Tension with Hitler
What were hitler s foreign policies,
What was hitler s plan to re unit...,
What had satisfied british politi...
42  cards
The Reoccupation of the Rhineland
When did hitler reoccupy the rhin...,
How many soldiers did hitler marc...,
Why did hitler want troops in the...
14  cards
Which Countries Supported Hitler?
What were the 5 possible alliance...,
When did hitler suggest a non agg...,
Why was hitler very keen to becom...
22  cards
Anschluss With Austria
Give 8 reasons why hitler wanted ...,
What 2 things encouraged hitler t...,
When was dollfuss replaced and when
17  cards
How did People React to Anschluss?
When had hitler reunited with aus...,
Why were people in austria united...,
What of austrians had voted in fa...
18  cards
The Sudeten Crisis
Give 4 reasons why hitler targete...,
How many german speaking people w...,
Give two factories in the sudeten...
25  cards
Why Didn't Britain and France do Anything to Stop Hitler?
What did britain feel it could do...,
What was no one prepared to do re...,
What were the allies desperate no...
7  cards
Was Appeasement a Good Idea?
How many people had been killed a...,
Hitler kept telling the british h...,
Anschluss pleased what of austria...
13  cards
The origins and the Outbreak of the Second World War
When did hitler storm out of the ...,
When was the dollfuss affair,
When did hitler rearm
16  cards
The Nazi-Soviet Pact
When did hitler and stalin sign t...,
What 3 aims would invading poland...,
What had poland been created out of
23  cards
The Invasion of Poland and Declaration of War
When did germany invade poland,
What 3 features of the german arm...,
Give an example of how worried hi...
5  cards

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history - conflict and tension

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