This class was created by Brainscape user Ava Purton. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

jim crow laws
What was segregation,
What was discrimination,
What did the jim crow laws do
7  cards
voting rights and civil rights organisations
What were some ways white people ...,
What does the naacp stand for,
What did the naacp do
13  cards
emmet till and kkk
What does kkk stand for,
When was the kkk founded,
How many people were lynched betw...
16  cards
brown vs topeka
What year did the brown vs topeka...,
Where was brown vs topeka case,
What was the brown vs topeka case
8  cards
little rock nine
What year was little rock nine,
Where was little rock nine school...,
How many students applied to litt...
14  cards
montegomery bus boycott
When was the montgomery bus boyco...,
When did rosa parks get on the bus,
What of the black people in montg...
13  cards
mlk and other civil rights leaders
Why was king important in the civ...,
Who was jo ann robinson,
Who was ed nixon
6  cards
1957 civil rights act and progress by 1960
What year was the civil rights act,
Why was eisenhower reluctant to s...,
What did the 1957 civil rights ac...
8  cards
progress after 1960
When was greensboro sit in,
What happened at greensboro sit in,
Why was greensboro sit in signifi...
20  cards
campaign c and march on washington
When was canpaign c,
Why did campaign c target birmingham,
What was the nickname of birmingham
10  cards
progress by 1965
When was the freedom summer,
How many black americans register...,
Who set up freedom summer and where
18  cards
malcolm x and black power
What group did malcolm x join in ...,
What did nation of islam believe,
Why did malcolm x replace his las...
18  cards
riots and the kerner report
How many major riots were there b...,
When was the first large riot,
Where were the riots mostly conce...
7  cards
kings campaign in the north
Why did king campaign in the north,
What was operation breadbasket,
Who was chicagos mayor
11  cards

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history- civil rights

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