This class was created by Brainscape user Niamh Steadman. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (20)

1.1- China in the early 20th century
How was china ruled in the
1  cards
1.2- The impact of the Boxer Uprising and self strengthening reform
Why did the chinese people resent...,
What were some of the causes of t...,
What events occurred at the boxer...
7  cards
2.1 - The Events and importance of the long march 1934-35
What were the causes of the commu...,
Explain the events of the long march,
Explain the importance of the lon...
3  cards
2.2- War with Japan
What were the reasons for the war...,
Why was the second front formed,
What were the events of the war b...
4  cards
2.3- Key features of the civil war
What events occurred leading up t...,
How was war first instigated,
What was the first key stages of ...
6  cards
2.4 - Reasons for the success of Mao and the CCP in the civil war
What were the communist military ...,
What were the gmd military weakne...,
What were the political reasons f...
4  cards
3.1- Changes in agriculture
What were mao s clear ideas when ...,
What was the first step of commun...,
What happened in the attack on th...
10  cards
3.2- Changes in industry
What was mao s first 5 year plan,
What were the results of the firs...,
What were the reasons for the gre...
5  cards
3.3 - Changes in the role of women
What were communist attitude towa...,
What was the 1950 marriage law,
What were the impact of the polic...
3  cards
3.4 - Political changes
Why did mao launch the thought re...,
What political changes did mao br...,
What was the content of the three...
5  cards
3.5 - The influence of the Soviet Union on developments in China
What was the soviet china relatio...,
How did the su influence economic...,
How did the soviet influence poli...
3  cards
4.1 - Mao's motives for cultural revolution
How did china change after the gr...,
What were mao s key motives in th...
2  cards
4.2 - Key features of the Cultural revolution
What was the mass mobilisation an...,
What was the attack on the four olds,
Who were the red guards
9  cards
4.3 - Impacts of the cultural revolution on China and Mao's position
What was the impact of the cultur...,
What was the impact of the cultur...,
What was the impact of the cultur...
3  cards
4.4 -The effect of the Sino Soviet split on the Chinese economy
How did the sino soviet relations...,
How did the sino soviet split eff...,
How did sino soviet split affect ...
3  cards
5.1 - The rise and fall of the gang of four
What was the reasons for the comi...,
How did the fall of the gang of f...,
How did deng xiaoping become leader
3  cards
5.2 - Economic changes under Deng
Why did deng want to change china,
What changes did deng make to agr...,
What changes in education occurre...
8  cards
5.3 - Deng and political reform
Why did deng oppose the political...,
What was the democracy wall movem...,
What were the origins of the demo...
3  cards
5.4 - Student opposition and Tiananmen square 1986 - 89
What were the aims and features o...,
What was the reaction of deng and...,
What was the events of tiananmen ...
6  cards
5 - China 1976 - 1989
What was the reasons for the comi...,
How did the fall of the gang of f...,
How did deng xiaoping become leader
15  cards

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history china

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