This class was created by Brainscape user Pierce Menzies. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (24)

Why did the British Empire grow and contract: 1857-1890
Britain in egypt,
Scramble for africa,
West africa
6  cards
Why did the British Empire grow and contract: 1890-1914
British policies in africa,
South africa,
Nigeria tropical africa
5  cards
Why did the British Empire grow and contract: 1914-1947
5  cards
Why did the British Empire grow and contract: 1947-1967
Post war policy in africa,
Overview of the gold coast,
Overview of northern rhodesia
4  cards
What influenced imperial policy: 1857-1890
Overall influence of policy,
1858 government of india act,
Defense of india
7  cards
What influenced imperial policy: 1890-1914
Viceroy curzon s administration o...,
Indian councils act 1909,
Morley minto reforms 1909 1910 de...
6  cards
What influenced imperial policy: 1914-1947
Government of india act 1919,
The simon commission 1929 30,
The round table conferences 1930 31
7  cards
What influenced imperial policy: 1947-1967
What influenced imperial policy,
Marshall plan 1948 52,
Usa uk co operation over defence
4  cards
What part did economic factors play in the development of the British Empire: 1857-1890
Mercantilism and examples,
Free trade and examples,
Maximisation of profits
4  cards
What part did economic factors play in the development of the British Empire: 1890-1914
Importance of trade in the empire,
How was british development affec...,
Imperial preference
5  cards
What part did economic factors play in the development of the British Empire: 1914-1947
Economic impact of ww1 6 examples,
Britain s reliance on empire,
Economic issues during ww2
4  cards
What part did economic factors play in the development of the British Empire: 1947-1967
Pre 60s britain,
Most imports went to the empire p...,
Most exports went to the empire p...
9  cards
How did the Empire influence British attitudes and culture: 1857-1890
Attitudes towards disraeli conser...,
Attitudes towards gladstone prime...,
Press and the indian rebellion mu...
6  cards
How did the Empire influence British attitudes and culture: 1890-1914
Supporters for imperialsim,
Critics of empire,
Popular press
7  cards
How did the Empire influence British attitudes and culture: 1914-1947
Industrial workers and empire,
Middle class,
Aristocracy wealthy
5  cards
How did the Empire influence British attitudes and culture: 1947-1967
What were the political and econo...,
Immigration and emmigration,
What evidence is there of residua...
4  cards
How did the indigenous peoples respond to British rule: 1857-1890
Causation of the indian rebellion...,
Events of the indian rebellion mu...,
Social impact of the indian rebel...
9  cards
How did the indigenous peoples respond to British rule: 1890-1914
Indian nationalism,
Opposition in indian professional...,
Young indian organisation in 1903...
11  cards
How did the indigenous peoples respond to British rule: 1914-1947
Causation of the amritsar massacre,
Effects of the amritsar massacre
10  cards
How did the indigenous peoples respond to British rule: 1947-1967
Gold coast,
Kenya and the mau mau
6  cards
How important was the role of key individuals and groups and how were they affected by developments:1857-1890
What was the role and influence o...,
David livingstone,
Mary selessor
8  cards
How important was the role of key individuals and groups and how were they affected by developments: 1890-1914
The role and influence on attitud...,
The role and influence of cecil r...,
Finish note
3  cards
How important was the role of key individuals and groups and how were they affected by developments: 1914-1947
Muhammad ali jinnah
8  cards
How important was the role of key individuals and groups and how were they affected by developments: 1947-1967
Kwame nkrumah,
Sir charles arden clarke,
Dr nnamdi azikiwe
6  cards

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history: british empire

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