history aqa power of the people

This class was created by Brainscape user Sajuthan Sathees. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Chapter 1- Magna Carta
What were the responsibilities fo...,
What was the feudal system,
What caused the barons to be unhappy
8  cards
Chapter 2- Simon de Montfort
Why was the pope a problem to kin...,
Why was the french a problem to k...,
Why were the barons a problem to ...
8  cards
Chapter 3- The Peasants' Revolt
What were the main causes of the ...,
Why were the economic issues a ca...,
Why were the political issues a c...
9  cards
Chapter 4- Pilgrimage of Grace
What was the church like before t...,
Why did king henry viii support t...,
How did henry viii become the hea...
9  cards
Chapter 5- English Revolution
What were the main causes of the ...,
Which two groups were part of the...,
Who were the new model army
10  cards
Chapter 6- American Revolution
What were the long term medium te...,
What were the short term causes o...,
What was the declaration of indep...
7  cards
Chapter 7- Chartism
What were the problems with the e...,
What happened in the peterloo mas...,
What important steps were being t...
10  cards
Chapter 8(a)- The Anti-Corn Law League
Why were the corn laws introduced...,
What was the anti corn law league,
What did the prime minister rober...
3  cards
Chapter 8(b)- The Slave Trade
What was the slave trade,
What was the abolition movement,
Who were some of the key figures ...
5  cards
Chapter 8(c)- Factory and Social reform
What were conditions in the facto...,
What were some reactions to the i...,
Examples of people who contribute...
4  cards
Chapter 9- Trade Unions
How were trade unions created,
What was the grand national conso...,
Who were the tolpuddle martyrs
7  cards
Chapter 10- Women's Rights
What three groups were created to...,
What were the objectives of the n...,
What were the objectives of the w...
8  cards
Chapter 11- General Strike
What was the cause of the general...,
What did the government do to this,
What were the government s actions
6  cards
Chapter 12- Minority Rights
What was immigration like in the ...,
What was the windrush,
What was the experience like for ...
9  cards
16 marker factors
Role of individuals simon,
Religion english revolution
11  cards

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history aqa power of the people

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