history (6) employment, living standards and persecution of minorities

This class was created by Brainscape user Theo Grant. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Policies To Reduce Unemployment
What was the reich labor service,
Who was the reich labor service for,
What was the reich labor service ...
11  cards
Changes In The Standard Of Living: Better Off
What were nazis aware of 1 2,
Why is what the nazis aware of im...,
What is strength through joy kdf
13  cards
Changes In The Standard Of Living: Worse Off
Why were some people worse off,
What did german workers loose,
Give some examples of what german...
12  cards
Nazi Racial Beliefs
What was central to the nazi party,
What was hitlers theory of race b...,
What was hitlers view of aryans
16  cards
The Persecution Of Jewish
Was the nazi party the first to t...,
Where had hitler lived for a while,
How did hitler live in vienna
10  cards
How Did The Lifes Of German Jews Change 33-39
Was the persecution of jewish peo...,
How did hitler win over germans,
What were school text books contr...
7  cards
The Boycott Of Jewish Shops, April 1933
What did hitler do as soon as he ...,
What were germans persuaded to do,
What was the boycott a reaction to
8  cards
The Nuremberg Laws, 1935
When did the nazis pass the nurem...,
What were the two nuremberg laws,
What was the reich citizenship la...
4  cards
Kristallnach, 9 November 1938
What worsened the persecution of ...,
What happened on november 8 1938 ...,
What was herschel grynszpan prote...
11  cards
Kristallnach The Aftermath
What did hitler blame it on,
What did he use the attack as,
What three things did hitler decr...
8  cards
Measures Taken Against Jewish People
Was persecution of jewish people ...,
What happened to the jewish people,
What did the nazis do to jewish p...
9  cards
The Treatment Of Minorities
How did the nazis see germans and...,
Who did the nazis include as burd...,
What was the term used to describ...
9  cards
Disabilities, Gay, Roma And Sinti
What law did the nazis pass to al...,
How did the nazis see gay people,
What happened to gay men
8  cards

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history (6) employment, living standards and persecution of minorities

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