history (4) nazi control and dictatorship, 1933-39

This class was created by Brainscape user Theo Grant. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (35)

The Importance Of The Reichstag Fire
When hitler became chancellor who...,
Why was wilhelm frick important,
Why was goering important
13  cards
The Importance Of The Enabling Act
In the 1933 march election how ma...,
Since the nazi party could not se...,
Was hitler happy with a coalition...
9  cards
The Removal Of Opposition
What was hitler now able to with ...,
When were trade unions banned,
How did the nazis justify the ban...
15  cards
The Importance Of The Night Of Long Knives
What was the night of the long kn...,
What were some causes of the nigh...,
What had the sa done who were the...
9  cards
The Events Of 30 June 1934
When does hitler take action agai...,
When is the night of the king knives,
What happens in the night of the ...
4  cards
The Impact Of The Night Of The Long Knives
What is the knight of the long kn...,
What did he do,
What happened to the sa
3  cards
The Support Of The Army
Since when had hitler been keen t...,
What was hitler aware of that cou...,
What did hitler begin to think
11  cards
The Development Of The Nazi Police State
What did the nazis want to do,
How did the nazis control german ...,
What were the organizations the n...
3  cards
The Role Of The SS( Schutzstaffel)
When and why had the ss been formed,
Who led the ss after 1929,
What did himmler do to the ss
9  cards
The Gestapo
When was the gestapo set up and b...,
Who took control of the gestapo i...,
By 1939 why was the gestapo the m...
5  cards
The Sicherheitsdienst (SD)
When was the sd set up,
What was the sd set up as,
Who commanded the sd
6  cards
The Concentration Camps
What significant event led to the...,
Who would concentration camps con...,
At first what were concentrations...
11  cards
The Nazi Control Of The Legal System
What did hitler want to ensure,
What did law courts have to exper...,
What happened to some judges
8  cards
The Peoples Court
When was the people s court estab...,
Why was the people s court establ...,
Who were judges of the people s c...
4  cards
Complete Control
By the end of 1934 what did hitle...,
What had the nazis police and sec...,
What did wilhelm frick minister o...
3  cards
Nazi Policies Towards The Church
What were nazi ideal opposed to,
What did nazism promote,
What did christianity promote
7  cards
The Catholic Church
Why did many catholics support hi...,
What did hitler see the catholic ...,
Why did hitler see the catholic c...
7  cards
The Protestant Church
What did some protestants admire ...,
What did the german christians es...,
Who led the german christian s ch...
6  cards
Goebbels And Ministry Of Propaganda
What did goebbels use his ministr...,
Who had to be members of the reic...,
Why was it important for the popu...
5  cards
Control: Newspapers
What happened to any non nazi new...,
By 1935 how many magazines and ne...,
What and when was the law that al...
4  cards
Control: Rallies
When and where was the annual mas...,
What did the annual mass rally at...,
When did other parades happen
6  cards
Control: Radio
What happened to all radio stations,
How did the nazis make buying a r...,
By 1939 what percentage of german...
6  cards
Control: Film
How many films did the nazis make...,
What happened to all film plots b...,
What did goebbels realise about c...
7  cards
Control: Poster And Literature
What were posters used for,
We re could posters be seen,
What happens to all books play an...
8  cards
The Nazi Control Of The Arts
What did hitler realise,
What happened to art,
Why did hitler hate jazz
6  cards
Art And Architecture
Why did hitler believe he was an ...,
What type of art did hitler hate,
What was the type of art hitler h...
11  cards
The Nazi Control Of Sport
We re was sport encouraged,
What did hitler want,
Why was success in sport important
11  cards
The Extent For Support Of The Nazi Regimen
In the years 1933 to 1939 how man...,
How many people left germany in t...,
What did many germans gain from h...
6  cards
The Army
What did hitler do to generals th...,
What were the most significant ge...,
During late 1938 what did some ge...
4  cards
Assasination Attempts
How many assignation attempts wer...,
What did a number of jewish stude...,
Who tried to shoot hitler and whe...
5  cards
Opposition From Young People To The Nazis
Did many people join the hitler y...,
Was the hitler youth popular with...,
How did some kids rebel
4  cards
The Edelweiss Pirates
What did the edelweiss pirates li...,
How could eddlweiss pirates be re...,
What did edelweiss pirates wear
8  cards
The Swing Youth
What did the swing youth tend to ...,
What did the swing youth take par...,
What did the swing youth rebel ag...
4  cards
Opposition From The Churches: Portestant
Who supposed the nazi control of ...,
What did niemoller establish,
Why did many pastors leave the le...
6  cards
Opposition From The Churches
Despite the concordat with the ca...,
What did pope pius xi issue in 1937,
What was the letter called
7  cards

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history (4) nazi control and dictatorship, 1933-39

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