This class was created by Brainscape user Funmi <3. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

cold war section 1
When was the tehran conference,
What were the desicions made at t...,
Impact of the tehran conference
65  cards
cold war section 2
What was the brain drain,
Consequences of brain drain,
Khrushchev s berlin ultimatum
32  cards
cold war section 3
What is detente,
Describe salt 1 give 4 points,
Describe the effectiveness of sal...
35  cards
Crime and punishment- Medieval England
What is a crime against a person,
What is a crime against property,
What is a crime against authority
18  cards
Elizabeth: section 1
Briefly describe 5 key features o...,
When did elizabeth become queen,
Name the 6 tiers of social hierar...
26  cards
Civil rights pt.1
Describe discrimination and viole...,
Describe voting rights for black ...,
Describe the naacp 4 national ass...
23  cards
Elizabeth: Section 2
When was the revolt of the northe...,
Why did the earls rebel give thre...,
Why did the revolt fail give thre...
30  cards
Elizabeth section 3
What were some elizabethan attitu...,
Name 6 aspects of elizabethan edu...,
What were some changes to educati...
15  cards
Crime and punishment- Early modern England
Why was there an increase in vaga...,
When was the poor laws introduced,
When was the vagrancy act
20  cards
Crime and Punishment c1700-c1900
Factors which caused an increase ...,
How was highway robbery attempted...,
Why did highway robbery increase 3
22  cards
Crime and punishment- c1900- modern
Change and continuity 1900 now,
New crimes in modern britain 3,
Changes in law enforcement in mod...
7  cards
White Chapel
What were some attitudes towards ...,
2  cards

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Brainscape is a digital flashcards platform where you can find, create, share, and study any subject on the planet.

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