This class was created by Brainscape user jocelyn fan. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (38)

Weimar Germany and the Great Depression
Weakness of the weimar government,
Punishments of treaty of versailles,
Impact the tov had on the weimar ...
7  cards
Europe and USA by the 1930s
Definition of appeasement,
Reasons for the development of ap...,
Definition of usa s isolation
7  cards
Rise of the Nazi Party and consolidation of power
Key aspects of the nazi s 25 poin...,
Significance of the failure of th...,
How the nazi s were able to rebui...
7  cards
Japan post WW1
First sino japanese war,
Russo japanese war,
Meiji restoration 1878
5  cards
build up to WW2
0  cards
Second Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945)
0  cards
0  cards
Nazi-Soviet Pact and the Invasion of Poland
0  cards
How royal navy was able to evacua...,
Phases of blitzkrieg,
Preparation for the battle of fra...
7  cards
Battle of britain diff phases,
Battle of britain sig of victory,
Operation sealion what was it cha...
3  cards
Why did hitler want to invade the...,
Operation barbarossa,
3 army groups aims in operation b...
10  cards
Why did japan want to expand into...,
What was the impact of japan movi...,
Why did japan sign the tripartite...
3  cards
Impacts of the attack of pearl ha...,
A breakdown of the events of the ...,
What the japanese hoped to achiev...
4  cards
How did japan s actions contribut...,
How did britain s actions contrib...,
Why did japan target singapore
5  cards
Reasons for the siege of leningrad,
Experiences of civilians of lenin...,
Reasons for japanese cruelty towa...
4  cards
L9: Coral sea and Midway
Japanese objective at battle of c...,
Outcomes of the battles of coral sea,
Japanese objectives at battle of ...
4  cards
L10: North Africa campaign
Reasons why axis launched north a...,
Challenges of desert warfare,
Evidence rommel was a skilled gen...
4  cards
L11: the Battle of Stalingrad (Jul 1942 - Feb 1943)
Why hitler focused on stalingrad,
Nature of fighting during battle ...,
Operation uranus
4  cards
L12: Kursk
Why did hitler want to attack at ...,
Why were rus better prepared for ...,
What were some key events of the ...
4  cards
L13: turning points
Significance the bombing of pearl...,
Significance of the battle of the...,
Significance of the battle of the...
6  cards
L14: Island hopping
Reasons for island hopping strategy,
Japanese tactics in defending isl...,
Reasons for island hopping strategy
4  cards
L15: Invasion of Italy
Reasons for the invasion of italy,
The role of operation mincemeat i...,
The nature of the fighting in italy
4  cards
L16: strategic bombing: Dresden and Tokyo
Aims and limitations of strategic...,
Why was impact of firebombing so ...,
Impact of bombing of dresden
5  cards
L18: preparation for D-day
Aim of operation overlord,
Preparation for operation overlor...,
Preparation for operation overlor...
5  cards
L19: D-day
Role of paratroopers on d day,
Aim of beach landings on d day,
Gains after d day
6  cards
L20: Fall of Germany
How the ussr prepare for operatio...,
What actions did gr make that con...,
Impact on the war on gr civilians
6  cards
L21: Dropping the Atomic Bombs
Why were there disagreements at p...,
What agreements are made at yalta,
Impact of atomic bombs
4  cards
L22: Racial views of the Nazi Party
Characteristics of the aryan race,
Aim of volksgemeinschaft,
Nazi views towards jewish people
4  cards
L23: development of Persecution
Impact of nuremberg laws,
Laws introduced to remove of bad ...,
Laws introduced to maintain good ...
7  cards
L24: Development of Persecution (violent)
Laws introduced late 1938 impacte...,
Impacts of kristallnacht,
Laws introduced late 1938 impacte...
5  cards
L25: Ghettos and experiences
Living conditions in ghettos,
2  cards
L26: The Babi Yar Massacre
0  cards
L06 The Holocaust: what was the final solution
The origins of the final solution,
Extermination camps,
Transport to extermination camps
5  cards
L07: The Holocaust: Life in concentration camps
Work done by forced laborers,
What happened to those selected f...,
Work and living conditions for so...
4  cards
The Holocaust: A continent-wide crime
0  cards
Resistance to the Holocaust
1  cards
L12: Liberation of the Camps
Purpose of evacuating camps,
Struggles of jewish people after ...,
Process of evacuating camps
5  cards
L13 The Holocaust: The Nuremberg Trials 1945-1949
Reasons why the nuremberg trials ...,
The events and outcomes of major ...,
Significance of reasons for the n...
4  cards

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