This class was created by Brainscape user Leah Danbury. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (31)

Weimar and Nazi Germany (after ww1)
Who was appointed the first chanc...,
What year was the weimar constitu...,
What was article 231
12  cards
Weimar and Nazi Germany (Spartacist Uprising)
When was the german communist par...,
How many members did the communis...,
How many daily newspapers
13  cards
Weimar and Nazi Germany (The Kapp Pusch)
What happened in 1920,
How many armed freikorps marched ...,
What did ebert do about this
12  cards
Weimar and Nazi Germany (The invasion of the Ruhr)
When was the invasion,
What did germany not keep up with,
What was the french determined to do
11  cards
Weimar and Nazi Germany (Hyperinflation)
What was the consequence of the i...,
What happened to germany,
What happened as more bank notes ...
13  cards
Weimar and Nazi Germany (The recovery of the Weimar Republic)
What happened in 1923,
What was the time period where th...,
Who became chancellor in august 1923
6  cards
Weimar and Nazi Germany (How did Stresemann solve the problems Germany faced)
Where did stresemann send the wor...,
What did stresemann do about the ...,
What was the currency called
13  cards
Weimar and Nazi Germany (How far was 1924-1929 a golden era for Weimar republic)
What happened with unemployment,
What happened with wages,
What happened with housing
8  cards
Germany- The rise of Hitler (The growth of the Nazi party)
Who was the party founded by,
When was it created,
What was the dap
11  cards
Germany- The rise of Hitler (The role of the Sturmabteilung))
What went on with political meeti...,
What happened in 1921,
Who was the sas leader
5  cards
Germany- The rise of Hitler (the Munich Putsch )
What happened on the 8th november...,
What did hitler do with the 3 lea...,
Later on what did seisser and los...
13  cards
Germany- The rise of Hitler (Why was the Munich Putsch important?))
What happened after hitler was ar...,
When did the trial start,
Hitler uses the trial to what
7  cards
Germany- The rise of Hitler (the lean years 1924-1928 )
What did hitler do whilst he was ...,
What is mein kampf about,
What did hitler believe
5  cards
Germany- The rise of Hitler (Reorganising the party)
What did the nazis do after the p...,
What did hitler do after he was r...,
When did hitler relaunch the party
9  cards
Germany- The rise of Hitler (How much progress did the Nazis make?)
How many members did the nazi par...,
How many members did they have in...,
How many seats did the nazi party...
4  cards
Germany- The rise of Hitler (How did Hitler become Chancellor in 1933?)
Why was the weimar republic devas...,
What happened after the wall stre...,
What happened to the companies th...
5  cards
Germany- The rise of Hitler (How well did the Weimar Government deal with the problems caused by great depression )
What did the weimar government st...,
What did the first government not...,
Who was the new chancellor
10  cards
Germany- The rise of Hitler (Hitler's Charisma)
What was hitler shown to be,
What did hitler promise to the pe...,
What was hitler seen as
4  cards
Germany- The rise of Hitler (How important was propaganda in the Nazis coming to power? )
What happened during the years 19...,
What did josef goebbels do,
All aspects of the media were con...
6  cards
Germany- The rise of Hitler (How important was the fear of communism?)
What was one reason for increase ...,
What happened with support for th...,
This was due to what
6  cards
Germany- The rise of Hitler (how important was the support for big businesses )
What was the big business owners ...,
What did they know about hitler,
What else did they know about hitler
3  cards
Germany- The rise of Hitler (how important was the SA)
What did the uniformed sa make th...,
What was the sa used for,
By 1930 how many stormtroopers di...
4  cards
Nazi control and dictatorship (The Reichstag fire)
When was the reichstag fire,
What happened to the building,
Where was marinus van der lubbe w...
9  cards
Nazi control and dictatorship (March 1933- elections)
When did hitler call an election,
What did hitler hope for the nazis,
What did it give hitler the power...
9  cards
Nazi control and dictatorship (The enabling Act)
What would this act give hitler t...,
What did hitler use the sa for,
What happened on the 24th march
9  cards
Nazi control and dictatorship (The night of the long knifes)
What did hitler began to believe,
What did hitler decide to do,
When was the night of the long kn...
13  cards
Nazi control and dictatorship (how did the Nazis use terror to control Germany)
What is one way the nazis used te...,
When was the ss formed,
What is the ss
30  cards
Nazi control and dictatorship (Agreements with the churches 1933-45)
What is 1 type of church they had,
What happened with the catholic c...,
What happened in june 1933
12  cards
Nazi control and dictatorship (How did the Nazis use propaganda?)
What is one way the nazis used pr...,
Why was the radio sold very cheaply,
In 1939 what percentage of german...
23  cards
Nazi control and dictatorship (opposition from the churches)
What did hitler and the nazis end...,
What is one type of opposition fr...,
When did a group of protestant pa...
13  cards
Nazi control and dictatorship (opposition from young people)
What groups did hitler introduce,
Who was expected to attend the gr...,
What type of youth group was there
15  cards

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