This class was created by Brainscape user Oliver Hain. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (22)

Elizabeth- background and government
Elizabeth s dad,
Elizabeth s mother,
Elizabeth s tutor
18  cards
life in elizabeth time
What class grew massively in eliz...,
Reasons for rise of the gentry tu...,
Reasons for rise of gentry dissol...
10  cards
navigation and drake
Drakes circumnavigation causes,
Consequences of drakes circumnavi...
2  cards
spanish armarda
Technology as a reason for spanis...,
Location as a reason for spanish ...
12  cards
Treaty of versailles and end of WW1
Main terms of 1918 armistice,
Who were the big three,
Aims of clemencau
14  cards
League of Nations & International agreements
Aims of league,
Important articles of covenant of...,
Actions taken by league and their...
42  cards
Development of tension
What were hitler s aims,
How would lebensraum lead to war,
How would german rearmament lead ...
15  cards
Escalation of tension and outbreak of war
Why did hitler want to remilitari...,
What was the franco soviet pact 1935,
Hitler s response to franco sovie...
34  cards
Magna Carta
Who was the king at the time,
Economic causes of barons rebelli...,
Religious causes of barons rebell...
8  cards
Simon De Monfort's rebellion
Who was simon de monfort,
Religious causes of his rebellion,
Economic causes of his rebellion
13  cards
Peasants revolt 1381
What was statute of labourers 1351,
What was the statute of labourers,
What was the poll tax by 1380
11  cards
Pilgrimage of Grace 1536
King at time,
Name of lawyer who led rebellion,
What did aske and rebels all beli...
12  cards
English revolution 1642
King at time,
Characteristics of charles i,
Political causes of english revol...
15  cards
American Revolution 1776
Economic causes,
Political causes,
What was the boston tea party
7  cards
Extending the franchise (Chartists)
Who could vote in the early 19th ...,
What were rotten boroughs,
Why no secret ballot was a problem
17  cards
Anti-Corn law league
What were the corn laws,
People involved in movement,
What did cobden and bright do
10  cards
Anti Slavery movement
How many slaves died on each cros...,
Average life expectancy of slaves,
Who was william wilberforce
12  cards
Factory and social reform 1800s
Factory conditions before reform,
Coal mine conditions before reform,
Factory act of 1833 important terms
14  cards
Trade Unionism 1800s
What was the combination act of 1825,
What were new model unions,
Who were the tolpuddle martyrs
10  cards
Women's rights 1900s
What was a woman s place after in...,
What was married women s property...,
Why did women need the vote
18  cards
General strike 1926
Problems faced by mine owners aft...,
What happened on 15th april 1921,
What followed the miners striking
13  cards
Germany 1890-1945
How was germany ruled before ww1,
Who was wilhelm ii,
What did wilhelm want
7  cards

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