This class was created by Brainscape user Evie Hutchinson. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Source Utility
What is utility,
What is provenance,
What is nature of a source
11  cards
WW1 - Basic Timeline
What countries was the triple all...,
When was the triple entente si,
When was the balkan crisis
11  cards
WW1 - Great Powers
What countries had been building ...,
What did colonies provide,
What did germany want to do after...
7  cards
WW1 - Key Causes of the War
What is nationalism,
What is militarism,
What is parintosism
10  cards
WW1 - Alliances
Who was the triple alliance between,
When did italy and germany become...,
What was the alliance between fra...
5  cards
WW1 - Assassination of the Archduke
Where were the terrorists from an...,
Who did they plan they assassinate,
What country was he heir to thron...
12  cards
WW1 - Start of Conflict Timeline
When did the serbs kill archduke,
When did austria hungary declare ...,
When did russia back serbia
6  cards
WW1 - Schlieffen Plan
Who devised the plan,
Why was it developed,
What did the plan involve
3  cards
WW1 - Trenches
Name the key features of trenches,
What is a periscope,
What is a fire step
10  cards
WW1 - Animals
What did horses transport in the war,
How many horses did the british a...,
What were horses used for other t...
7  cards
WW1- How the war ended
List the three key points at the ...,
Why did america join the war,
What did america have to do when ...
10  cards
Dictatorships - Political Systems
Define democracy,
What does dictatorship mean,
Define capitalism
7  cards
Dictatorships - Impact of the Treaty of Versailles
What was the treaty,
Where germany involved
6  cards
Dictatorships - How the war changed Germany
Describe to,
Describe the economic situation o...,
Describe the political situation ...
5  cards
WW2 - Why did the world go to war?
Allies and Axis
7  cards
WW2 - German Tactics
Dunkirk and Battle of Britain
10  cards

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