This class was created by Brainscape user Grace Godwin. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Russia 1
What is a serf,
What is the definition of autocracy,
What changed did alexander ii int...
48  cards
Russia 2
What were the three ideologies th...,
What were the populists intereste...,
What was the tchaikovsky circle
36  cards
Russia 3
Name the national liberal organis...,
Name the socialist party inspired...,
What was the name of the jewish m...
53  cards
Russia 4
Give 2 responses of ordinary russ...,
At which battle did russia lose t...,
Who did nicholas ii appoint as co...
46  cards
Russia 5
Who was the only socialist in the...,
What ideology was predominant in ...,
Why did socialists tend to stay o...
14  cards
Britain 1- The Liberal crisis
What were the conservatives key i...,
What was the impact of the boar w...,
Conservativeswho was lord salisbury
57  cards
Britain 2-The state of the economy
What did the amount of workers in...,
What were tenant farmers,
What were estate owners
22  cards
Britain 3- Social issues
What percentage of the population...,
What jobs would a typical upper m...,
Who created the poverty map of lo...
30  cards
Britain 4- Challenges and crises
Why was the general election of j...,
Why did the lords veto lloyd geor...,
Who won the 1910 general election
33  cards
Britain 5- politics in wartime
What act was passed on 1914 and g...,
What were the 4 terms of the dora...,
What was dlg put in charge of dur...
24  cards
Britain 6- Economic issues
What were the economic demands fo...,
What did dlg persuade parliament ...,
What did the ministry of munition...
25  cards
Britain 7- The social and cultural impact of war
During the war how many women ent...,
By 1918 how much of the workforce...,
What year was the sex disqualific...
20  cards
Britain 8- Ireland
Who was patrick pearse,
How many men broke away from the ...,
What were the irish volunteers re...
31  cards
Britain 9- political developments
Other than the impact of war what...,
How did electoral costs contribut...,
How did the electoral system cont...
29  cards
Britain 10- Economic issues
During the general strike 1926 wh...,
What services stopped during 1926...,
What were some positive developme...
5  cards

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