This class was created by Brainscape user Zach Graveney. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Empire- 1857-1890
What was the swing to the east,
When was the eic granted a charter,
What was the highest position an ...
57  cards
Empire 1890-1914
When was the entente cordiale and...,
When was a protectorate proclaime...,
What was the denshawai incident a...
49  cards
Empire 1914-1947
How many troops did india send in...,
Stats on indian casualties in ww1,
How much did india contribute fin...
82  cards
Germany- end of war
When was the weimar republic,
What type of government was the w...,
What was the position of the chan...
86  cards
Germany- creation of constitution
When were elections for the const...,
Why did the new order get named w...,
Who was elected president and cha...
25  cards
Germany- treaty of versailles
What was the armistice,
When was the conference to settle...,
When were germans allowed to atte...
28  cards
Germany- Economy till 1923
What problems did the german econ...,
Why was germany,
Why didnt the government increase...
28  cards
Germany- unrest
What id the dnvp have in the 1920...,
Who led the dnvp,
When did hitler join the dnvp
28  cards
Germany- Economy Golden age
What party did stresemann form,
How many days did stresemann serv...,
What role did stresemann have bet...
26  cards
Germany- Social Golden Age
What did the 1924 public assistan...,
What did the 1925 state accident ...,
What did the 1927 national unempl...
40  cards
Germany- Political Stability
When did ebert die,
Who won the most votes in the fir...,
Who was ernst thalmann
30  cards
Germany- Stresemann
What is stresemann referred to as,
What were stresemann s top 5 prio...,
When was the locarno pact signed
20  cards
Germany- effect of GD
On the collapse on the 29th octob...,
When did the new york stock excha...,
How did the wall street crash eff...
18  cards

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