This class was created by Brainscape user Teddy Childs. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Russia Theme 1 - Changes in Government
What was the name of the group wh...,
What were the 4 popular decrees m...,
When was the constituent assembly...
38  cards
Russia Theme 2 - Economy
How did brezhnev reject khrushche...,
How did military spending change ...,
How did brezhnev change khrushche...
64  cards
Russia Theme 3 - Control of the People
What inspired lenin s use of terror,
When was the cheka founded and wh...,
How were the cheka used early jan...
41  cards
Russia Theme 4 - Social Developments
What was lenin s view on destroyi...,
How were men and women portrayed ...,
How did lenin s prioritisation of...
12  cards
Russia Section C Nuggets
What was the growth rate of sovie...,
How much did gorbachev reduce alc...,
How did oil prices fall
32  cards
China Theme 1 - Govt. 1949-57
What percentage of the chinese po...,
To where and when did the nationa...,
When did mao establish the prc
76  cards
China Theme 2 - Economy
Finish the mao quotewithout socia...,
What was agricultural output in 1956,
What was agricultural output in 1957
29  cards
China Theme 3 - Cultural Revolution
0  cards
China Theme 4 - Social and Cultural Change
What were womens three obediences,
What was mao s famous quote about...,
When was foot binding officially ...
128  cards
Tudors - Changes @ Centre
Outline aspects of henry vii s ho...,
Outline aspects of henry viii s h...,
What did david starkey say about ...
68  cards
Tudors - Localities
Who became head of the council of...,
Which heirs were sent to the wale...,
When and why did henry vii make t...
64  cards
Tudors - Challengers to Henry VII
Who were henry vii s rivals that ...,
When was the battle of bosworth w...,
What was the role of the stanleys...
43  cards
Tudors - Pilgrimage of Grace
What religious role was cromwell ...,
What act redefined english church...,
How was princess mary involved in...
35  cards
Tudors - Kett's Rebellion
Which norfolk farmer had large en...,
What was enclosure,
What was engrossing
19  cards
Tudors - Revolt of the Northern Earls
0  cards
Tudors - Tyrone's Rebellion
What parts of ireland did england...,
Why did english settlers feel nee...,
Why did anglo irish tensions grow...
28  cards

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