This class was created by Brainscape user Daniel Gurney. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

Britain In 1485
In britain in 1485 who was king o...,
What was henry vii known as,
Who was king of england in 1485
17  cards
The Protestant Reformation
What was the catholic church like...,
However a few hundred years after...,
By the start of the 16th century ...
20  cards
Overview Of The Protestant Reformation
What happened with henry viii bec...,
What happened with the 95 theses ...,
What happened with the religious ...
14  cards
Henry VIII
Who did prince arthur marry and w...,
What happened only a year after a...,
What did henry vii do after arthu...
31  cards
The Act Of Supremacy
When was the act of supremacy pas...,
What did it say,
What was the act of supremacy
5  cards
Edward VI
How many children did henry viii ...,
When did henry viii die,
Who did henry leave in control of...
21  cards
'Bloody Mary' - Mary I
When did mary become queen,
How old was she when she became q...,
Did she have a relationship when ...
19  cards
Elizabeth I
What was elizabeth going to chang...,
How did she feel about religion,
What did she do about her role wi...
6  cards
Civil War Overview
What happens with charles arguing...,
What happens with charles and wil...,
What happens with charles expandi...
10  cards
Civil War
What were the two sides of the ci...,
What were the people who followed...,
What were the people who followed...
26  cards
Roundheads VS Cavaliers
When did king charles gather his ...,
What was the royal standard a sig...,
How did people chose which side t...
25  cards
The New Model Army
What was the first battle of the ...,
What happened during the first ba...,
Who did parliament turn to and wh...
14  cards
Charles I On Trial
Who won the civil war,
When did king charles stuart s he...,
When was king charles kept as a p...
25  cards
Oliver Cromwell
What are 5 things that cromwell i...,
Where was cromwell both feared an...,
What is a republican
21  cards
The Industrial Revolution
When did the industrial revolutio...,
What did the industrial revolutio...,
What was the industrial revolution
8  cards
The Growth In Population
When did the population grow so f...,
How many people were living in br...,
What was the population of britai...
17  cards
Conditions In Cities
Name some dirty towns at the time,
Why had the towns become such hor...,
What happened with one factory ow...
16  cards
Public Health
What is public health,
What was public heslth like in th...,
What was the national average age...
49  cards

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