hist 2061h - high medieval europe

This class was created by Brainscape user isabella taylor. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (11)

Land, Economy, & Rural Life
What are the 3 orders,
What are the 3 types of peasants
9  cards
Kings, Nobles, Warfare, & Courtly Life
How did rulers get positioned,
What was the peace truce of god,
What is motte bailey
9  cards
Towns, Trades, & Merchants
What were some factors in the gro...,
Why did kings nobles support trade,
What were some advancements in 11...
9  cards
The Growth of Royal Government
Who was eleanor of aquitaine,
Who was philip ii augustus r 1180...,
What was france like under the ru...
19  cards
The High Medieval Church
What was the strongest christian ...,
Who was otto i,
Whhat regions were converted duri...
10  cards
Religious Life
What was the impact of church ref...,
In what ways was christianity int...,
What was mechanical piety
11  cards
From Romanesque to Gothic Art
What are the main characteristics...,
What are the main characteritics ...,
Reasons for the transition
5  cards
Education & Literary Production
What were secular workshops typic...,
How did literacy increase followi...,
Why did towns serve as places whe...
16  cards
Science, Medicine, & Technology
Who was robert grosseteste,
Who was roger bacon,
What is microcosm macrocosm
5  cards
Crusaders: Attacks on Heretics & Outsiders
What prompted the first crusade,
What were the 4 crusader states,
Why was the first crusade the mos...
7  cards
The Crisis of the Late 13th & Early 14th c.
What factors contributed to the c...,
Europe experiences external invas...,
Who was dante c 1265 1321
5  cards

More about
hist 2061h - high medieval europe

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