This class was created by Brainscape user isla furness. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (23)

U1:KA1 - The structure of DNA
What is dna made up of,
What are nucleotides made up of,
What holds the bases together
19  cards
U1:KA2 - Replication of DNA
What does pcr stand for,
What is pcr used for,
What does pcr do
16  cards
U1:KA3 - Gene expression
What does rna stand for,
What is an rna nucleotide made up of,
What are the complementary base p...
20  cards
U1:KA4 - Cellular differentiation
What is cellular differentiation,
During differentiation which gene...,
What does a self renewal stem cel...
10  cards
U1:KA5 - The structure of the genome
What is a genome,
What is a genome made up of,
What do most of the eukaryotic ge...
5  cards
U1:KA6 - Mutations
What is a mutation,
What can mutations result in,
What is a single gene mutation
22  cards
U1:KA7 - Evolutions
What is evolution,
What is vertical inheritance,
What is horizontal gene transfer
16  cards
U1:KA8 - Genomic sequencing
What does genomics involve,
What is bioinformatics,
What do comparative genomics refe...
15  cards
U2:K1 - Metabolic pathways
What are metabolic pathways,
What is a catabolic pathway,
What is an anabolic pathway
21  cards
U2:KA2 - Cellular respiration
What do atp molecules have,
What is the chemical energy in at...,
When is energy released from atp
22  cards
U2:KA3 - Metabolic rate
What is the metabolic rate of an ...,
What can metabolic rate be measur...,
What equipment can you use to mea...
20  cards
U2:KA4 - Metabolism in Comformers and regulators
0  cards
U2:KA5 - Metabolism in adverse conditions
0  cards
U2:KA6 - Environmental control of metabolism
0  cards
U2:KA7 - Genetic control of metabolism
0  cards
U3:KA1 - Food supply, plant growth and productivity
What is food security,
What does an increase in human po...,
What is all food production depen...
7  cards
U3:KA2 - Plant and animal breeding
0  cards
U3:KA3 - Crop protection
0  cards
U3:KA4 - Animal welfare
0  cards
U3:KA5 - Symbiosis
0  cards
U3:KA6 - Social behaviours
0  cards
U3:KA7 - Components of biodiversity
0  cards
U3:KA8 - Threats to biodiversity
0  cards

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higher biology

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