This class was created by Brainscape user sierra therrien. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (25)

Lab Test 1 - Caudata (Salamanders And Newts)
What is the common name scientifi...,
What is the common name scientifi...,
What is the common name scientifi...
26  cards
Lab Test 2- Anura
What is the common name scientifi...,
What is the common name scientifi...,
What is the common name scientifi...
41  cards
Anura Vocalizations
What frog is vocalizing,
What frog is vocalizing,
What frog is vocalizing
17  cards
Anatomy Frogs And Salamanders
What is the name of structure 1,
What is the name of structure 2 a...,
What is the name of structure 3
35  cards
Founder of binomial nomenclature,
What are the parts of the binomia...,
What is the term for classificati...
21  cards
Anura Habitats/Lifestyle/Diet
What what is the habitat of rhino...,
What what is the habitat of scaph...,
What is the habitat of leptodacty...
8  cards
Anura Reproduction & Characteristics
What are the 3 classes of amplexus,
What is the reproductive mode of ...,
What is the reproductive mode of ...
16  cards
Caudata Habitats/Lifestyle/Diet
What is the habitat lifestyle and...,
What is the habitat lifestyle and...,
What is the habitat lifestyle and...
9  cards
Caudata Reproduction And Characteristics
What is the reproductive mode of ...,
What is the habitat lifestyle and...,
What is the reproductive mode of ...
17  cards
Testudinia Habitats/Lifestyle/Diet
What is the habitat lifestyle and...,
What is the habitat lifestyle and...,
What is the habitat lifestyle and...
6  cards
Testudinia Reproduction And Characteristics
What are characteristics of chely...,
What are characteristics of chelo...,
What are characteristics of emydi...
6  cards
Orders Compare And Constrast
Caudata salamanders characteristics,
Characteristics of gymnophiona ce...,
Characteristics of anurans frogs ...
5  cards
Main Characteristics Of Orders
Characteristics of amphibians,
Characteristic of reptiles,
Main characteristics of gymnophiona
9  cards
Terms To Know
5  cards
Testudinia Lab
What is the family scientific nam...,
What is the family scientific nam...,
What is the family scientific nam...
19  cards
Testudinia Scutes, Skeleton, And Bones
What is structure 1,
What is structure 3,
What is structure 8
44  cards
Squamata (Lizards)
What is the family scientific nam...,
What is the family scientific nam...,
What is the family scientific nam...
12  cards
Squamata (Lizards) Skeleton
What is structure 1,
What is structure 13,
What is structure 5
13  cards
Squamata (Snakes)
What is the family scientific nam...,
What is the family scientific nam...,
What is the family scientific nam...
38  cards
Snake (identification Worksheets)
What is 12,
What is 14,
What is 13
19  cards
Vocab Exam 2
Caudal autotomy,
26  cards
Lizards Lecture
What is the size lifestyle diet r...,
What is the size lifestyle diet r...,
What is the family of night lizards
9  cards
Snake Lecture
What is the size lifestyle diet r...,
What is the scientific name for b...,
What is the size lifestyle diet r...
12  cards
Turtle Anatomy
What is this structure,
What is this structure,
What is this structure
13  cards
Buccal pumping positive pressure ...
1  cards

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