hematalogy lecture

This class was created by Brainscape user Sarah King. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (35)

The Blood: An Overview
The study of cellular elements of...,
The quantitative and qualitative ...,
The science encompassing the medi...
32  cards
Hematopoietic Theroy
Development production and specia...,
Where does hematopoiesis occur in...,
Hematopoiesis is divided into wha...
116  cards
The Erythrocyte
Overall as normal rbcs mature wha...,
Production of total population of...,
When viable red blood cells both ...
113  cards
Complete Blood Count Reference Range
9  cards
Hemoglobin and iron metabolism
What is the relationship between ...,
Is a conjugated globular proteins...,
What is the weight percentage of ...
133  cards
Platelet Structure And Function
Where are megakaryocytes found,
Largest cell in the bone marrow,
Megakaryocyte mission is to proli...
40  cards
The production and proliferation ...,
Refers to the production of neutr...,
Refers to the production of of ly...
101  cards
Test 3: Intro to Anemia
Reticulocyte count tells how well...,
The lifespan of rbc in circulatio...,
Receptors in kidney are sensitive...
35  cards
Test 3: Disorders of Iron and Heme Metabolism
The average adult has total body ...,
Where does the majority of iron c...,
The minimum daily iron requiremen...
117  cards
Test 3: Hemoglobinopathies
Disease state involving the hemog...,
Hemoglobinopathy effects either t...,
There are ____ functional human g...
109  cards
Test 3: Thalassemias
What is the difference between he...,
Where are thalassemias typically ...
100  cards
Test 4: Macrocytic Anemias
Normoblastic macrocytic anemia re...,
Megaloblastic macrocytic anemia i...,
Megaloblastic anemia is the hallm...
77  cards
Test 4: Intrinsic hemolytic Anemias: Membrane Defects
The rbc membrane consists of two ...,
Part of the rbc membrane that ser...,
The protein portion of the rbc me...
47  cards
Test 4: Hypoproliferative anemias
What are the mechanisms of bone m...,
This marrow disorder is character...,
Characteristic feature of aplasti...
68  cards
Test 4: Extrinsic Non-Immune Hemolytic Anemias
0  cards
Test 5: The Platelet and Primary Hemostasis
Is the process that maintains flo...,
Normal hemostasis is dependent upon,
What are the stages of hemostasis
13  cards
Test 5: Secondary Hemostasis
Process by which body spontaneous...,
What are the four major systems i...,
Upon vessel injury platelets imme...
26  cards
Test 6: Coagulation Testing
What is the most common specimen ...,
Specimen is centrifuged for _____...,
Why does the plasma need to be pl...
90  cards
Test 6: Coagulation Disorders
Severe bleeding that require phys...,
Recurrent chronic bruising in mul...,
Nosebleeds that are reoccurring t...
170  cards
Test 6: Platelet Disorders
Defined as a plt count 1000 000 ul,
Thrombocytopenia may result from,
What is the normal platelet count...
130  cards
Unit 1: Review of Normal Blood Cell Maturation
Myelopoiesis granulocytopoiesis,
155  cards
Unit 1: CBC Evaluation & Differential
Electrical impedance,
Machine that measures electrical ...,
Electrical impendance graph
79  cards
Unit 1: Nonmalignant Leukocyte Disorders
Congenital defects of leukocytes,
What 3 conditions can go on to de...,
So called hematopoietic variant c...
103  cards
Unit 1: Intro to Leukocytic Disorders
In 1 or more n wbc types in pb or...,
Leukocytosis typically associated...,
Leukopenia is typically a decreas...
57  cards
Unit 2: Introduction to Leukemias
Progressive malignant disease of ...,
What is usually the cause of leuk...
92  cards
Unit 2: Bone Marrow & Stains
Fat cell conversion of yellow marrow,
Spoke like pattern of venous sinu...,
The process of replacing the acti...
79  cards
Unit 2: Myeloid Leukemias
Most common type of adult leukemi...,
True or false all myeloid leukemi...,
Acute myeloid leukemia involves a...
82  cards
Unit 2: Lymphocytic Leukemias
Occurs when massive proliferation...,
All normo normo anemia neutropeni...,
General all many ______________ o...
65  cards
Unit 3: Myeloproliferative Disorders
Mpns aka,
Mpns usually affects what precursors
116  cards
Unit 3: Myelodysplastic Disorders
Three groups of clonal myeloproli...,
Mdss are typically seen in what p...,
What are the 3 types of diseases ...
72  cards
Unit 3: Lymphomas and Plasma Cell Disorders
What region of the lymph node foc...,
Lymph node medulla has medullary ...,
What area of the lymph nodes cont...
111  cards
Heme Exam C
Aplastic anemia if rpi is,
Retic x hct 45 divided bymaturati...,
Hj is seen in ____________anemia
79  cards
Unit 1: Review of Normal Blood Cell Maturation COPY
Myelopoiesis granulocytopoiesis,
155  cards
Exam A Blakes
What pertinent facts must be cons...,
2 which parameters are measured d...,
3 which parameters are calculated...
147  cards
Test 5: The Platelet and Primary Hemostasis COPY
Is the process that maintains flo...,
Normal hemostasis is dependent upon,
What are the stages of hemostasis
13  cards

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hematalogy lecture

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