health & medical

This class was created by Brainscape user Joost Mol. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

week 1 college
Why should we influence health be...,
Wat kunnen drie tegengestelde eff...,
Health belief model waar wordt he...
23  cards
chapter 1, 3, 4, 5
What is the difference between a ...,
Health behaviour,
When can poor health be a cause o...
25  cards
week 2 college
Wat is een belangrijke nuance bet...,
Wat is de intention behavior gap,
Waarom is wanting niet gelijk aan...
16  cards
Chapters 6, 7,
Why is the precede proceed model ...,
A framework that focusses on impo...,
Applying the mindspace principles
6  cards
Week 3 college
What are six advantages of worksi...,
What are the effects of assessmen...,
What are two important elements f...
9  cards
Chapter 13
Define beck s cognitive behaviour...,
Name three types of stress manage...
8  cards
week 4 college
Define allostasis and allostatic ...,
What are two important physiologi...,
What is the relation between stre...
41  cards
week 5 college
What is a important aspect to rea...,
What are the four steps of shared...,
Which two factors influence perce...
18  cards
week 6 college
Http give the definition of a chr...,
Name some physical cognitive psyc...,
What is the who s definition of q...
16  cards
week 7 college
What are the two most frequently ...,
What are the two main categories ...,
What is nociceptive pain and what...
35  cards
week 8 college
What are the four main types of q...,
What are the three primary focuse...,
What is the hook in the context o...
13  cards
Chapters 8, 11, 12
H8 voornamelijk anatomy minder be...,
2  cards

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health & medical

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