health and lifestyle

This class was created by Brainscape user Mikolaj Kazmierczak. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

15  cards
Food tests
How do you know if theres starch,
How do you know if theres lipids,
How do you know if there is sugar
9  cards
Unhealthy diet
What is energy in food measured in,
How much is 1 kilojoule,
What is it called when someone do...
9  cards
Digestive system
What is digestive system,
In digestion ehat are the large m...,
What happens in the mouth in dige...
13  cards
Enzymes and bacteria
What does your large intestine co...,
What do bacteria make in your lar...,
What do digestive juices contain
10  cards
What are drugs,
What 2 types of drugs are there,
What are medicicnal drugs
12  cards
What is alcohol,
What type of drug is alcohol,
What is it called when someone is...
7  cards
Why is smoking dangerous,
How can smokers dnager others,
What does tobacco come in
7  cards
Food and fuels
What is energy measured in,
What do we use more joules or kil...,
How much is 1kj
15  cards
Energy Adds Up
Ehat can energy not do,
What can energy only do,
What is the law called when energ...
19  cards
Energy And Temperature
Can u measure temperature with yo...,
What do you measure temperature with,
What do some thermometers have in...
13  cards
Energy Transfers: Particles
A metal is a,
Ehat is it called when energy is ...,
Ehat can energy be transferred by
11  cards
Energy Transfer:radiation
What is it called when very hot t...,
What do some people called infrar...,
What radiation does the sun emit
17  cards
Energy Resources
Ehat energy resouces were formed ...,
What is oil and gas made from,
Ehat is coal fossilised from
17  cards
Energy And Power
Ehat is power rating measured in,
What does the pwoer rating tell you,
Whats the pwer equation
9  cards
Work,energy, And Machines
Ehat else can u transfer energy e...,
Ehat does it mean by the wird work,
What the formula for work done
12  cards

More about
health and lifestyle

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