head & neck - anatomy (year 2)

This class was created by Brainscape user Callum Anderson. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

W1: S1 - The Bony Skull General Features
What is the most common type of j...,
What are the three divisions of t...,
What are the three parts of a sku...
22  cards
W1: S2 - Scalp
Where does the scalp extend to an...,
Where is the superior nunchal line,
Where does the scalp extend to po...
24  cards
W1: S3 - Face
How do the muscles of facial expr...,
What is the function of the obicu...
31  cards
W1: S5 - Neck
Identify the compartments of the ...,
What is housed in the visceral ne...,
What is housed in the vascular ne...
32  cards
W1: S6 - Neurovascular Structures in the Neck
Where does arterial blood to the ...,
Which artery is the cca a branch ...,
What artery is the cca a branch o...
13  cards
W1: S7 - The Hyoid Bone, Strap Muscles of the Neck and Cervical Plexus
Identify the parts of the hyoid bone,
What are the muscles sets of musc...,
What are the 4 suprahyoid muscles
18  cards
W1: S8 - The Thyroid Gland
What type of gland is the thyroid...,
What are the,
What vertebral level does the thy...
9  cards
W2: S1 - Bones and Cartilages of the Nose
What are the functions of the nose,
What bone does the nasal bones ar...,
What bone do the nasal bones arti...
10  cards
W2: S2 - The Nasal Cavity and Paranasal Air Sinuses
What kind of epithelium forms the...,
What kind of epithelium lines the...,
What nerve innervates olfactory m...
16  cards
W2: S5 - The Mandible, Teeth and TMJ
What is the edentulous mandible,
What are the names of adult and b...
33  cards
W2: S7 - Oral Cavity, Palate and Oropharynx
What is the oral vestibule,
What is the name of the muscle th...,
What is the nerve supply of the b...
39  cards
W2: S9 - Larynx and Laryngopharynx
Which ligament is pierced to inse...
10  cards
W2: S10 - Pharynx
What are the three parts of the p,
What forms the roof oof the nasop...,
In relation to the larynx where d...
22  cards
W3: S1+2 - Orbit and Eye
What structures pass through the ...
39  cards
W3: S3 - The Ear
What type of joints are found bet...,
Name two muscles related to the o...
13  cards
W3: S4 - Lymphatics of the Head and Neck
What lymph nodes does all lymph d...,
What vessel do the deep cervical ...,
In what neck compartment are the ...
5  cards
W3: S5 - Floor of the Skull
Which bone forms the posterior bo...,
Which bones form the a anterior b...,
What is shown here and what 4 bon...
36  cards
W3: S6 - Growth of the Skull
Is the neonatal skull fully ossified,
What are the advantages of a flex...,
What type of ossification occurs ...
7  cards
W3: S8 - Histology of the Tongue and Salivary Glands
What type of epithelium lines the...,
How do the secretions of the sali...
11  cards

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head & neck - anatomy (year 2)

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Learn faster with Brainscape on your web, iPhone, or Android device. Study Callum Anderson's Head & Neck - Anatomy (Year 2) flashcards for their University of Aberdeen class now!

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