This class was created by Brainscape user Anish Khakhria. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

What is inflammation,
What are the two types of inflamm...,
Why is obesity a problem for infl...
22  cards
Autoinflammatory disease
What is autoinflammation,
What is autoimmunity,
Why are polygenic mutations harde...
32  cards
Autoinflammatory disorders
What are autoinflammatory disorders,
What are some examples of auto in...,
What characteristics for auto inf...
39  cards
What resources can be used for to...,
What are the types of poisoning,
What is the main cause of overdosing
36  cards
What is sarcopenia,
From what age do we start to see ...,
How would the skeletal muscle mas...
33  cards
Bone and Oesteoporosis
What is the bone trabecular struc...,
What are osteoclasts,
What are osteoblasts
21  cards
What are the types of biologics,
How can rnai be used in biologics,
What are the stages of antibody d...
17  cards
What are the two types of bisphos...,
Name some non nitrogen containing...,
Describe the two classifications ...
21  cards
Inflammation regulation
What is the main structure and mo...,
What is mtdna,
How does the mitochondria undergo...
36  cards
What are the risk factors of oste...,
What is oa,
What is articular cartilage
15  cards
Rheumatoid arthritis
What is ra,
What are the common symptoms of ra,
What are the clinical symptoms of ra
28  cards
What are gcs,
Where are gcs made,
What do gcs do
43  cards
What is the difference between co...,
How can cox 1 be targeted,
How can cox 2 be targeted
9  cards

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hdt 3.1

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Learn faster with Brainscape on your web, iPhone, or Android device. Study Anish Khakhria's HDT 3.1 flashcards for their University of Birmingham class now!

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Brainscape is a digital flashcards platform where you can find, create, share, and study any subject on the planet.

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