This class was created by Brainscape user Frances Riley. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Endometrial cancer
List the causes of pmb,
For a woman presenting with pmb w...,
For a woman presenting with pmb w...
36  cards
ovarian cancer
What is the lifetime risk of ovar...,
What is the average age of people...,
List 5 risk factors for ovarian c...
29  cards
Gestational Trophoblastic Disease
What is the definition of gestati...,
List the 4 types of gtn,
What are the management steps for...
50  cards
Borderline Ovarian tumours
What are the uss features of a bo...,
What are the histopathological fe...,
List the types of borderline tumours
12  cards
Familial cancer syndromes
List the lifetime risk of ovarian...,
In what scenario do women need te...,
What percentage of endometrial ca...
25  cards
Describe the histogenesis of the ...,
List the features of an unsatisfa...,
List the possible colposcopic fea...
3  cards
Cervical cancer
How does hpv cause cervical cancer
1  cards
Vulval cancer
What are the types of vin that a ...,
What is vin usual type,
What is dvin vin differentiated type
17  cards
What are the risks associated wit...,
What is the uktocs study,
Outline the key findings of the u...
3  cards
RANZCOG - cervical screening
When does cervical screening star...,
For someone who is just having th...,
What about screening for over 70 y
14  cards
RANZCOG - HPV vaccine
What are the 2 most common oncoge...,
Hpv is implicated in which cancers,
List the two non oncogenic hpv st...
6  cards
breast cancer in pregnancy
Discuss the prognosis of breast c...,
Assess the use of uss as an imagi...,
Assess the use of mammography for...
11  cards
Plco trial name,
What was the aim of the plco study,
What was the study design of the ...
12  cards
Name of uktocs study,
What was the aim of the uktocs study,
What was the study design
7  cards

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