This class was created by Brainscape user Elizabeth Sager. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

UA/UC + GU Overview
List the 3 major functions of the...,
List some ddx for dysuria,
List some ddx for hematuria
43  cards
Sexuality, STIs, Sexual History
What is the most common sti in th...,
What are some risk factors for stis,
List the 8 ps of a gender affirmi...
35  cards
Male Infertility & ED
In couples who are 35 yrs old inf...,
Approximately what percent of inf...,
What are the 4 main causes of mal...
22  cards
GU Anatomy TA Questions
Which kidney is lower left or right,
What are the 3 layers of supporti...,
105  cards
GU Pt Cases
48  cards
Urinary Incontinence
Describe the sphincters and nervo...,
Describe the detrusor muscle and ...,
Describe the etiology of urinary ...
28  cards
AKI & Prostate & GU Emergencies
List some lower urinary track sym...,
List some lower urinary track sym...,
List some lower urinary tract sym...
82  cards
Renal Disease
Describe the common signs symptom...,
What is the initial testing relat...,
Describe the implications for kid...
36  cards
Acid-Bases Disorders & ABGs
Define acidemia vs acidosis,
Define alkalemia vs alkalosis,
Define acid base disorders
33  cards
What are the components of a bmp,
Where are sodium and potassium in...,
Define osmotic activity
32  cards
GU Malignancy
Describe the etiology of bladder ...,
Describe the presentation of blad...,
Describe the diagnosis of bladder...
18  cards
Renal Pharm
Describe gfr,
What does a declined gfr indicate,
What sub
24  cards
Describe the etiology of urethritis,
Describe the presentation of uret...,
Describe the diagnosis of urethritis
17  cards

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Learn faster with Brainscape on your web, iPhone, or Android device. Study Elizabeth Sager's GU flashcards for their St. Catherine University MPAS class now!

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Brainscape is a digital flashcards platform where you can find, create, share, and study any subject on the planet.

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