This class was created by Brainscape user Charlie De Negri. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

Effects Of Hurricanes And Earthquakes
Give impacts on the environment f...,
Give impacts on people for katrina,
Environmental impacts for nargis
15  cards
Topic 2 Development Dynamics
What are the stages of rostows th...,
What is the traditional society s...,
What is pre conditions for take off
14  cards
Topic 2 Development dynamics case studies ( India )
Emerging country india site situa...,
Economic trends globalisation india,
Positive impacts of economic growth
8  cards
Geography That I Didnt Know: coasts
What is the most important factor...,
Identify 3 geological factors tha...,
What is the difference between ro...
17  cards
UK Upland And Lowland Landscapes
How has geology shaped the uk s l...,
How have tectonic shaped the uk s...,
How has glaciation shaped the uk ...
15  cards
UK Geology
Give 3 examples of igneous rocks,
3 examples of sedimentary rocks,
3 examples of metamorphic rocks
6  cards
Topic 7
What are biomes,
What does an ecosystem include,
What determines what type of biom...
30  cards
Topic 8
What are the specialised characte...,
How do changes to the rainforest ...,
Rainforest structure and some ada...
46  cards
What are the 6 stages of fieldwork,
What is the difference between qu...,
What is the difference between pr...
21  cards
Hazardous Earth Case Studies
Usa hurrican katrina,
Myanmar cyclone nargis,
Tohoku earthquake magnitude damag...
19  cards
Topic 5
How does population density chang...,
How does economic activity change...,
How does economic activity change...
39  cards
Topic 9
Examples of renewable energy,
What is non renewable energy exam...,
What is recyclable energy examples
51  cards

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gsce geography :/

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