This class was created by Brainscape user Marisol Morse. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

168 Commit Words
61  cards
What prepositions for indicating ...,
What prepositions for indicating ...,
What prepositions are used for in...
104  cards
Por o Para
Direction toward a destination or...,
Purpose use goal or destination t...,
Time limit or deadline
70  cards
To introduce in chronological ord...,
To continue a thought elaborate o...,
To conclude something 6
2  cards
Si Clauses
What are the three different type...,
How do possible si clauses work,
How do impossible si clauses work
19  cards
Object Pronouns
1  cards
Common Reflexives
When do you use reflexive pronoun...,
What are the reflexive pronouns,
What are the three categories of ...
28  cards
Idiomatic expressions with subjunctive
How do you express the idea of no...,
What are three common idiomatic e...,
Que yo sepa que sepamos
11  cards
The subjunctive in adverbial clauses
What is an adverb,
What is an adverbial clause,
A menos que
16  cards
Subjunctive in Independent clauses
In what four situations are verbs...,
Change to the subjunctive have a ...,
Change to the subjunctive death t...
13  cards
Basic subjunctive
What are some words in english th...,
What are the three main categorie...,
What is a noun clause
12  cards
Subjunctive relative clauses
What is a relative clause,
When is the subjunctive used in r...,
What are relative clauses commonl...
4  cards
The subjunctive with conjunctions of time
Antes de que,
11  cards

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  • Class purpose General learning

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