This class was created by Brainscape user Evie Neylon. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (26)

Devolution definition,
What are primary legislative powers,
What is nationalism
72  cards
The EU
Eu referendum outcome,
What year did the uk join the eec,
What is integration
68  cards
Democracy + Participation
Definition of democracy,
What is direct democracy,
What is representative democracy
83  cards
UK Constitution
What is limited government,
What is a codified constitution,
What is an uncodified constitution
56  cards
UK Political Parties
What fraction of the time have th...,
What year did the conservative pa...,
What groups did the conservative ...
83  cards
UK Elections
What are the purpose of elections,
What is a by election,
What types of elections are there...
76  cards
UK Parliament
How many mps are there,
What is the average constituency ...,
Example of an independent mp
92  cards
UK Pressure Groups
What is an insider group,
What is an outsider group,
What is an interest group
45  cards
US Supreme Court
How many cases are scotus request...,
How many cases do scotus review a...,
What is judicial review
78  cards
UK Executive
Examples of formal powers given t...,
Primus inter pares,
What departments make up the exec...
73  cards
US Constitution
What is the bill of rights,
What are implied powers,
What are implied powers
65  cards
US Congress
2 chambers of congress,
How many members are there in the...,
How many members are there in the...
74  cards
US Executive
What are formal powers,
What are informal powers,
Example of an informal power of t...
68  cards
US Elections
4 types of election in the us,
What happens if a president resig...,
How often to congressional electi...
86  cards
US Political Parties
What do democrats believe about t...,
What do democrats believe about t...,
Examples of a democratic immigrat...
72  cards
US Pressure Groups
How is the existence of pressure ...,
Why do pluralists argue that havi...,
Why are believers of elitism crit...
65  cards
Civil Rights
What are civil rights,
What are civil liberties,
What amendment do many civil righ...
47  cards
Comparative theories
Structural theory,
Rational theory,
Cultural theory
4  cards
UK Supreme Court
3 functions of the supreme court,
How many justices are there,
What was the judiciary before the...
41  cards
Origins of liberalism,
What was the enlightenment,
What is an absolute monarchy
75  cards
Origins of socialism,
What is utopian socialism,
What is scientific socialism
62  cards
Origins of conservatism,
What is change to conserve,
What is an organic society
52  cards
What is the public sphere,
Origins of socialism,
Three waves of feminism
71  cards

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gov & politics

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