global environmental challenges

This class was created by Brainscape user Linnea Biermann. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (23)

Welcome to the Anthropocene
Give a short definition of the an...,
Why do geologists propose a new e...,
How much of the ice free land are...
16  cards
Planetary Boundaries
Give a short definition of planet...,
What are the 9 planetary boundaries,
Explain the photo
17  cards
Scientific basis of climate change
Present a short definition of cli...,
Present a short definition of glo...,
What are examples of recent local...
27  cards
What are the three types of irrev...,
Explain how damages of climate ch...,
Why do climate change occur with ...
7  cards
Social and economic impacts of climate change
What will a stabilization of co2 ...,
Explain what the pat identity is,
Write down the pat identity for g...
14  cards
A taxonomy of global public goods and climate change as a social dilemma
What are the four incentives to s...,
What does supply depend on when t...,
Is international cooperation needed
31  cards
A formal economic model and negative externality
According to nordhaus what is the...,
Present a short description of wh...,
Write the formular for country i ...
11  cards
Negative externality and the Social cost of carbon
What is the social cost of carbon,
What are the best estimates avail...,
Can the market alone solve the pr...
5  cards
What is adaptation,
Is adaptation worth considering a...,
Illustrate graphically using nord...
13  cards
Adaptation as risk management
What is the main feauture of dive...,
Calculate the expected value of l...,
Like for covid there could be sud...
3  cards
Negative Emission Technologies (NETs)
What are negative emission techno...,
What are some examples of negativ...
2  cards
What is geoengineering,
What are the two main methods of ...
2  cards
Mitigation vs Geoengineering
What is the difference between mi...,
Is geoengineering considered a so...,
What is the suggested order of pr...
4  cards
Integrated Assesment Models (IAMs)
What are integrated assessment mo...,
Who is associated with the develo...,
What is the purpose of nordhaus i...
18  cards
Expected values and risk preferences
What are some sources of uncertai...,
How can the acceptance of risk be...,
What is the formal representation...
8  cards
Managing risk of catastrophic climate change, climate sensitivity
Draw the climate sensitivity curv...,
What is climate sensitivity,
How is climate sensitivity captured
7  cards
Risk, ambiguity, deep uncertainty
Fa styr pa det her,
Gennemga denne det er ligesom med...,
Ov dig i dette du kan sagtens wupwup
14  cards
Inequality and climate change
What are the two types of inequal...,
What are the two dimensions of em...,
How can greenhouse gas emissions ...
16  cards
Mitigation between the present and the future
Problem 1 final payoffif your ini...,
Problem 2 present valueif your fi...,
Problem 3 implicit rateif your in...
21  cards
International issues of mitigation
What is the purpose of the montre...,
What were the potential consequen...,
What were the obligations under t...
15  cards
Carbon pricing
What countries have implemented c...,
Term carbon tax,
Term cap and trade system
10  cards
Ecological transition as a system transition
Term co benefits,
Term should we employ only carbon...,
Term lock ins in the transition
12  cards
The political economy of climate change
Citizens want actions but global ...,
What is the peoples climate vote,
Hat are the four most popular cli...
16  cards

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global environmental challenges

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