This class was created by Brainscape user Ethan Baldwin. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

2 Physiography of Cordillera
What are the two theories about h...,
Look at slide 18 22,
What treaty region in canada is c...
34  cards
3 Geology of Cordillera
Who is william logan and what mou...,
Who is alfred selwyn,
Who is ao wheeler
23  cards
4 Geology of Cordillera
What is the elemental makeup of t...,
What layer of the earth that flows,
What are the two types of lithosp...
31  cards
5 Geology of Cordillera
What was the original length of t...,
What is the subduction zone calle...,
How do geologists measure the dis...
16  cards
6 Southern Rocky Mountains
What is the orientation of the ca...,
What the start and end points of ...,
Whats the width of the crm and wh...
21  cards
7 Precambrian History
Define stratigraphic subdivision,
What happens when the sea level f...,
What happens when sea levels rise...
34  cards
8 Early Paleozoic
What happened to rodinia during t...,
What is passive margin,
What kind of post rifting of rodinia
27  cards
9 Late Paleozoic
What period was the kaskaskia ii ...,
What are the rock characteristics...,
What event caused minimal fossils...
16  cards
10 Mesozoic-Cenozoic
What s important about the end pe...,
What are the five big extinctions,
What things happened leading up t...
22  cards
12 Glacial History
Define ablation,
Define sublimation,
How does glacial ice move and why...
26  cards
13 Metal & Mineral Resources I
What are the two major categories...,
How much use of non metallic mine...,
What are the characteristics of m...
35  cards
14 Metal & Mineral Resources II
What are the four mines in the in...,
What created the golden triangle ...,
What kind of deposit and terrane ...
26  cards
15 Energy Resources I
Define an energy resource,
What are the different energy res...,
What is the problem with fossil f...
14  cards
16 Energy Resources II
0  cards

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glgy 301

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