This class was created by Brainscape user Holly Orchard. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

Glaciers and how they are viewed as a system
What is a system,
What type of system is a glacier ...,
What stores throughputs do glacie...
12  cards
how glaciers are affected by physical factors
Latitude and altitude
7  cards
types of glacier and glacier movement
What is a glacier,
How do glaciers form,
Ice sheets
16  cards
how are glacial landforms developed?
What is weathering,
What are the physical processes o...,
What are the chemical processes o...
15  cards
Glacial landforms
What is a corrie and how are they...,
What is an arete and how are they...,
What is a pyramidal peak
11  cards
Lake District
What are the three different geol...,
What erosional features are there,
What depositional features are there
3  cards
What happened 75 000 years ago,
What erosional features are there,
What is the erosional impact of l...
6  cards
Glacio-fluvial landforms
What are glaciologist fluvial lan...,
What is outwash,
How does outwash compare to till
19  cards
Periglacial landforms
Why do peri glacial landforms exist,
What do periglacial environments ...,
What is freeze thaw weathering
21  cards
Alaska - Oil extraction
How does human activity cause change within glaciated and periglacial landscapes?
3  cards
What is the main ice sheet in min...,
What is the geology like,
What impact did the lobes extendi...
17  cards
Lake District
What is the lake district,
What are the three main groups of...,
The skiddaw group
24  cards

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Learn faster with Brainscape on your web, iPhone, or Android device. Study Holly Orchard's Glaciation flashcards for their Kimbolton School class now!

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Brainscape is a digital flashcards platform where you can find, create, share, and study any subject on the planet.

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