This class was created by Brainscape user Wei Shynn Tan. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

The gall bladder area can be palp...,
What are the bounds of the abdomen,
How are the 4 quadrants of the ab...
211  cards
The coeliac artery arises from th...,
The superior mesenteric artery ar...,
The inferior mesenteric artery ar...
51  cards
What are 6 imaging techniques use...,
What does a bulky looking pancrea...,
What do white echgenic
11  cards
The peritoneum is a ____ membrane...,
The parietal paritoneum lines the...,
The parietal peritoneum is suppli...
42  cards
Gastritis and Peptic Ulcer Pharm
What are 5 factors that promote t...,
What are 4 endogenous factors tha...,
How do nsaids promote the formati...
56  cards
What are 7 drug classes used as a...,
What are 4 sites that can trigger...,
What are 3 examples of 5 ht3 sero...
46  cards
GIT Neuro
Which part of the spinal cord are...,
Which parts of the git are suppli...,
Which parts of the git are suppli...
24  cards
What are 6 differences between sm...,
Smooth activity of stomach and in...,
What are 4 functions of mastication
157  cards
Approach to Abdominal pain
Describe the location of pain in ...,
What is the difference between co...,
How does pain radiate in appendic...
29  cards
GIT Patho
What is a polyp,
What are the 2 growth patterns of...,
Pedunculated sessile polyps can b...
222  cards
HPB Patho
What is cholestasis,
What is bile,
What is the term for yellow disco...
229  cards
What are 7 groups of drugs used a...,
What are 3 examples of bulk formi...,
What is the moa of bulk forming a...
37  cards
What are 6 groups of drugs used t...,
What are the anti diarrhoeal agen...,
33  cards
Viral hepatitis
What are 3 disease defining sympt...,
What are 3 points in a px hx that...,
What are 4 pe findings that are s...
5  cards

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