This class was created by Brainscape user Aaron VanValkenburg. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (114)

Galatians 1 - blanks
Fill in the blanks with the correct words (NIV 2011)
16  cards
Galatians 2 - blanks
No deck description has yet been added by the author.
19  cards
Galatians 3 - blanks
No deck description has yet been added by the author.
26  cards
Galatians 4 - blanks
No deck description has yet been added by the author.
24  cards
Galatians 5 - blanks
No deck description has yet been added by the author.
19  cards
Galatians 6 - blanks
No deck description has yet been added by the author.
16  cards
Galatians 1 - WHAT questions (HARD)
Given FIRST 4 WORDS, complete the question and give the answer.
27  cards
Galatians 1 - WHAT questions (MEDIUM)
Given FIRST 7 WORDS, complete the question and give the answer.
28  cards
Galatians 1 - WHO questions (HARD)
Given FIRST 4 WORDS, complete the question and give the answer.
42  cards
Galatians 1 - WHO questions (MEDIUM)
Given FIRST 7 WORDS, complete the question and give the answer.
42  cards
Galatians 1 - HOW-WHEN-WHERE-WHY questions (MEDIUM)
Given FIRST 7 WORDS, complete the question and give the answer.
18  cards
Galatians 1 - HOW-WHEN-WHERE-WHY questions (HARD)
Given FIRST 4 WORDS, complete the question and give the answer.
18  cards
Galatians 1 - OTHER questions (HARD)
Given FIRST 4 WORDS, complete the question and give the answer.
16  cards
Galatians 1 - OTHER questions (MEDIUM)
Given FIRST 7 WORDS, complete the question and give the answer.
16  cards
Galatians 1 - general (HARD)
No deck description has yet been added by the author.
102  cards
Galatians 1 - general (MEDIUM)
No deck description has yet been added by the author.
102  cards
Galatians 2 - general (HARD)
No deck description has yet been added by the author.
173  cards
Galatians 2 - general (MEDIUM)
No deck description has yet been added by the author.
173  cards
Galatians 3 - general (HARD)
No deck description has yet been added by the author.
160  cards
Galatians 3 - general (MEDIUM)
No deck description has yet been added by the author.
160  cards
Galatians 4 - general (HARD)
No deck description has yet been added by the author.
168  cards
Galatians 4 - general (MEDIUM)
No deck description has yet been added by the author.
168  cards
Galatians 5 - general (HARD)
No deck description has yet been added by the author.
109  cards
Galatians 5 - general (MEDIUM)
No deck description has yet been added by the author.
109  cards
Galatians 6 - general (MEDIUM)
No deck description has yet been added by the author.
92  cards
Galatians 6 - general (HARD)
No deck description has yet been added by the author.
92  cards
Galatians - unique phrases
Given short phrases, give book and chapter (and verse if able!)
50  cards
Ephesians - unique phrases
Given short phrases, give book and chapter (and verse if able!)
155  cards
Galatians 2 - general (EASY)
given COMPLETE question... give answer
173  cards
Galatians 1 - general (EASY)
given COMPLETE question... give answer
102  cards
Galatians 3 - general (EASY)
given COMPLETE question... give answer
160  cards
Galatians 4 - general (EASY)
given COMPLETE question... give answer
168  cards
Galatians 5 - general (EASY)
given COMPLETE question... give answer
109  cards
Galatians 6 - general (EASY)
given COMPLETE question... give answer
92  cards
Ephesians 1 - general (EASY)
given COMPLETE question... give answer
113  cards
Ephesians 1 - general (HARD)
given first 4 words...finish questions and give answer
113  cards
Ephesians 1 - general (MEDIUM)
given first 7 words...finish questions and give answer
113  cards
Ephesians 2 - general (EASY)
given COMPLETE question... give answer
118  cards
Ephesians 2 - general (MEDIUM)
given first 7 words...finish questions and give answer
118  cards
Ephesians 2 - general (HARD)
given first 4 words...finish questions and give answer
118  cards
Ephesians 3 - general (MEDIUM)
given first 7 words...finish questions and give answer
157  cards
Ephesians 3 - general (HARD)
given first 4 words...finish questions and give answer
157  cards
Ephesians 3 - general (EASY)
given COMPLETE question... give answer
157  cards
Ephesians 4 - general (EASY)
given COMPLETE question... give answer
161  cards
Ephesians 4 - general (MEDIUM)
given first 7 words...finish questions and give answer
161  cards
Ephesians 6 - general (HARD)
given first 4 words...finish questions and give answer
93  cards
Ephesians 4 - general (HARD)
given first 4 words...finish questions and give answer
161  cards
Ephesians 5 - general (MEDIUM)
given first 7 words...finish questions and give answer
104  cards
Ephesians 5 - general (EASY)
given COMPLETE question... give answer
104  cards
Ephesians 6 - general (MEDIUM)
given first 7 words...finish questions and give answer
93  cards
Ephesians 5 - general (HARD)
given first 4 words...finish questions and give answer
104  cards
Philippians 2 - general (EASY)
given COMPLETE question... give answer
156  cards
Ephesians 6 - general (EASY)
given COMPLETE question... give answer
93  cards
Philippians 2 - general (HARD)
given first 4 words...finish questions and give answer
155  cards
Galatians - Book/Chapter (3 words)
given first 3 words...finish and answer
94  cards
Galatians - Book/Chapter (7 words)
given first 7 words...finish and answer
94  cards
Galatians - Book/Chapter (5 words)
given first 5 words...finish and answer
94  cards
Philippians 1 - general (EASY)
given COMPLETE question... give answer
141  cards
Philippians 1 - general (MEDIUM)
given first 7 words...finish questions and give answer
141  cards
Philippians 1 - general (HARD)
given first 4 words...finish questions and give answer
141  cards
Philippians 2 - general (MEDIUM)
given first 7 words...finish questions and give answer
156  cards
Galatians - Book/Chapter (2 words)
given first 2 words...finish and answer
94  cards
Galatians - Book/Chapter (FULL)
given COMPLETE question... give answer
94  cards
Ephesians - Book/Chapter (7 words)
given first 7 words...finish and answer
89  cards
Ephesians - Book/Chapter (5 words)
given first 5 words...finish and answer
89  cards
Ephesians - Book/Chapter (3 words)
given first 3 words...finish and answer
89  cards
Ephesians - Book/Chapter (2 words)
given first 2 words...finish and answer
89  cards
Ephesians - Book/Chapter (FULL)
given COMPLETE question... give answer
89  cards
Galatians 1 - 50/50 (Reversible)
Given first half of verse (or so), finish second half. (Reversible!)
18  cards
Galatians 2 - 50/50 (Reversible)
Given first half of verse (or so), finish second half. (Reversible!)
20  cards
Galatians 3 - 50/50 (Reversible)
Given first half of verse (or so), finish second half. (Reversible!)
28  cards
Galatians 4 - 50/50 (Reversible)
Given first half of verse (or so), finish second half. (Reversible!)
28  cards
Galatians 5 - 50/50 (Reversible)
Given first half of verse (or so), finish second half. (Reversible!)
25  cards
Galatians 6 - 50/50 (Reversible!)
No deck description has yet been added by the author.
17  cards
Ephesians 1 - 50/50 (Reversible!)
No deck description has yet been added by the author.
15  cards
Ephesians 2 - 50/50 (Reversible!)
No deck description has yet been added by the author.
16  cards
Ephesians 3 - 50/50 (Reversible!)
No deck description has yet been added by the author.
13  cards
Ephesians 4 - 50/50 (Reversible!)
No deck description has yet been added by the author.
23  cards
Ephesians 5 - 50/50 (Reversible!)
No deck description has yet been added by the author.
27  cards
Ephesians 6 - 50/50 (Reversible!)
No deck description has yet been added by the author.
21  cards
Philippians 1 - 50/50 (Reversible!)
No deck description has yet been added by the author.
26  cards
Philippians 2 - 50/50 (Reversible!)
No deck description has yet been added by the author.
28  cards
Philippians 3 - 50/50 (Reversible!)
No deck description has yet been added by the author.
19  cards
Philippians 4 - 50/50 (Reversible!)
No deck description has yet been added by the author.
23  cards
practice - gal 1-3 (new)
No deck description has yet been added by the author.
476  cards
Ephesians 1 - blanks
No deck description has yet been added by the author.
16  cards
Ephesians 2 - blanks
No deck description has yet been added by the author.
16  cards
random galatians 1-4
No deck description has yet been added by the author.
284  cards
GAL - EPH 2 (hard) - who questions
given first 4 words...finish questions and give answer
211  cards
Ephesians 3 - blanks
fill in the blanks
14  cards
Ephesians 4 - blanks
fill in the blanks
25  cards
Ephesians 5 - blanks
fill in the blanks
24  cards
Ephesians 6 - blanks
fill in the blanks
21  cards
Ephesians 3 - general (EASY)
given COMPLETE question... give answer
116  cards
Ephesians 3 - general (MEDIUM)
given first 7 words...finish questions and give answer
116  cards
Ephesians 3 - general (HARD)
given first 4 words...finish questions and give answer
116  cards
Ephesians 4 - general (EASY)
No deck description has yet been added by the author.
157  cards
Ephesians 4 - general (MEDIUM)
No deck description has yet been added by the author.
157  cards
Ephesians 4 - general (HARD)
given first 4 words...finish questions and give answer
157  cards
Ephesians 5 - general (EASY)
given COMPLETE question... give answer
133  cards
Ephesians 5 - general (MEDIUM)
given first 7 words...finish questions and give answer
133  cards
Ephesians 5 - general (HARD)
given first 4 words...finish questions and give answer
133  cards
Philippians 3 - general (EASY)
given COMPLETE question... give answer
118  cards
Philippians 3 - general (MEDIUM)
given first 7 words...finish questions and give answer
118  cards
Philippians 3 - general (HARD)
given first 4 words...finish questions and give answer
118  cards
Philippians 4 - general (EASY)
given COMPLETE question... give answer
93  cards
Philippians 4 - general (MEDIUM)
given first 7 words...finish questions and give answer
93  cards
Philippians 4 - general (HARD)
given first 4 words...finish questions and give answer
93  cards
Colossians 1 - general (EASY)
given COMPLETE question... give answer
152  cards
Colossians 1 - general (MEDIUM)
given first 7 words...finish questions and give answer
152  cards
Colossians 1 - general (HARD)
given first 4 words...finish questions and give answer
152  cards
Colossians 2 - general (EASY)
given COMPLETE question... give answer
123  cards
Colossians 2 - general (MEDIUM)
given first 7 words...finish questions and give answer
123  cards
Colossians 2 - general (HARD)
given first 4 words...finish questions and give answer
123  cards

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gepcp 23-24

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