This class was created by Brainscape user Emily Sharp. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Structure and Composition of the Earth and Plate Tectonic Theory
What is the layer between the cru...,
What is the density of oceanic crust,
How thick is oceanic crust
54  cards
Igneous Rocks and Processes
Define euhedral,
Define subhedral,
Define anhedral
84  cards
Sedimentary Rocks and Processes
Define weathering,
Define erosion,
What are three physical weatherin...
70  cards
Introductory Palaeontology (Fossils)
What are three environments with ...,
Define actual remains,
What are the three processes in w...
81  cards
Metamorphism: Contact and Regional
Define metamorphism,
At what depth does metamorphism u...,
At what temperature does metamorp...
25  cards
Deformation: Unconformities, Folds and Faults
Define stress,
Define strain,
Define elastic deformation
44  cards
Earthquake Hazards
What are the three types of seism...,
What does the mercalli scale record,
What scale does the mercalli scal...
30  cards
Mass Movement Hazards
Define porosity,
Define primary porosity
39  cards
Water Supply and Waste Disposal
Define water table,
Define aquifer,
Define aquiclude
27  cards
Engineering Geology
What are five geological factors ...,
Define rock head,
What are three geological hazards...
13  cards
Sedimentary Rocks and Processes (A2)
Define weathering,
Define erosion,
What are two types of physical we...
49  cards
Past Life and Past Climate
What are three purposes of fossils,
What are the eight ways organisms...,
Define lagerstatten
30  cards
Igneous Rocks and Processes (A2)
What are four factors which contr...,
Define serpentinite,
What is an example of a fast spre...
27  cards
Define stress,
Define strain,
What are four factors which affec...
15  cards
What are four major factors contr...,
Where does earths internal heat c...,
Define heat flow
40  cards
Earth Materials and Natural Resources
Define open cast mine,
Define deep mine,
What are the three types of deep ...
59  cards

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