geography y12 - hazards

This class was created by Brainscape user Mckenna Wilkinson. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Hazard risk and vulnerability
What is risk,
State 3 reasons why people live n...,
Define frequency
19  cards
The concept of hazard in a geographical context
What is a natural hazard,
What is an example of a hazard,
What is a disaster
30  cards
Plate tectonics
What is the thickness of the crus...,
Describe 4 characteristics of the...,
Describe 4 characteristics of the...
13  cards
Plate tectonic theory
What was bacon s theory 1620,
What are the weaknesses of bacon ...,
What was wegener s theory what
16  cards
Plate boundaries - Destructive plate margins
What is the asthenosphere,
What is a conservative boundary,
What is a constructive boundary
22  cards
Volcanic hazards
Where are hazards primarily distr...,
What does the magma type viscosit...
2  cards
Plate boundaries - Constructive and conservative plate margins
What is the name given to the typ...,
What direction is the movement in...,
Why do earthquakes occur on const...
9  cards
CASE STUDY - Himalayan Collision zone
0  cards
CASE STUDY - Hunga Tonga volcano
Where is the hunga tonga volcano ...,
How can the tectonic setting of t...,
What is the nature of the hunga t...
13  cards
CASE STUDY - Svartsengi, Reykanes, Iceland
Where is the svartsengi volcano l...,
How can the tectonic setting of t...,
What is the nature of the svartse...
9  cards
Ridge push, Slab pull and Gravitational sliding
0  cards
The Park Model
What is the park model,
What are the advantages of the pa...,
What are the potential downfalls ...
7  cards
Introduction to seismicity - earthquakes
1  cards
How can we reduce the impacts of seismic hazards?
0  cards
Intraplate boundaries - Hot Spots
How do hotspots form,
What landforms occur due to hotspots,
What hazards occur due to hotspots
4  cards

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geography y12 - hazards

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