geography paper 1 section a

This class was created by Brainscape user Shahid C. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (10)

Geography Challenge of Natural Hazards
What are the 4 factors that can a...,
What is a natural hazard,
What are some types of a natural ...
8  cards
Challenge of Natural Hazards: Earthquake Case Studies
Primary effects of the chile eart...,
Primary effects of the chile eart...,
Immediate responses to the chile ...
8  cards
Challenges of Natural Hazards: Tectonic Areas
Why would people live in a tecton...,
How has this benefitted iceland,
How can we reduce the risk of tec...
3  cards
Challenges of Natural Hazards: Tropical Storms
What conditions do tropical storm...,
Where do tropical storms form,
Describe how air effects tropical...
5  cards
Challenges of Natural Hazards: Typhoon Case Study
Primary effects of typhoon haiyan,
Secondary effects of typhoon haiyan,
Immediate responses
5  cards
Challenges of Natural Hazards: Weather Hazards In The UK
What are the weather hazards in t...,
Describe the uk weather roundabout,
What was an extreme weather event in
9  cards
Challenges of Natural Hazards: UK Weather Hazard Case Study
What were the causes of the somer...,
What were the social effects of t...,
What were the economic effects of...
6  cards
Challenges of Natural Hazards: Climate Change
What is the evidence of climate c...,
Natural causes of cc,
Natural causes of cc solar activity
7  cards
Challenges of Natural Hazards: Management of Climate Change
What does mitigation mangement mean,
What are some ways too mitigate c...,
Why can planting trees have a mit...
4  cards
Challenges of Natural Hazards: Adapting To Climate Change
What does adapting mean,
Describe how agricultural adaptio...,
Describe how water supply adaptat...
4  cards

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geography paper 1 section a

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