This class was created by Brainscape user Jaxon Triantos. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

Lecture 1: Regions of Canada
What is a region,
What is a uniform region,
What is a functional region
10  cards
Lecture 2: Canada's Physical Base
What is a sense of place,
What is a benefit of sense of place,
What are the 6 regions of canada
67  cards
Lecture 3: Vegetation and Soil
Is most of the vegetation in cana...,
What is a deciduous forrest,
Where are broadleaf and carolinia...
29  cards
Lecture 4: History of Canada
Where did the first settlers travel,
How many indigenous people lived ...,
What did the indigenous populatio...
55  cards
Lecture 5: Demographics
What is canada s population,
Is canada s population aging or g...,
Is the natural increase rate incr...
62  cards
Lecture 6: Ontario
Why did ontario become a have not...,
What were the two options that dr...,
Since drummond and burleton s 200...
113  cards
Lecture 7: Quebec
What was the first european sett,
What is bill 21 in quebec,
Who are the feelings of french pr...
92  cards
Lecture 8: British Columbia
Why is vancouver so expensive to ...,
Describe bcs population growth co...,
Where do most residents in beside...
92  cards
Lecture 9: Prairies
What were the four goals that the...,
What was a major consequence of t...,
What were settlers promised in ma...
97  cards
Lecture 10: Atlantic Canada
Describe the trend of population ...,
What is a consequence of low popu...,
Where do half of atlantic canada ...
105  cards
Lecture 11: Territorial North
Where do the majority of people i...,
What are the indigenous populatio...,
What are reasons for the high ind...
81  cards
Lecture 12: Canada: A Country of Regions within a Global Economy
Is there evidence of traumatic im...,
Regardless of traumatic impact on...,
What is bill c 69
28  cards

More about
geography of canada

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