geography igcse natural environment

This class was created by Brainscape user Charlie Noodles. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

Volcanoes- the main types and features
What are the 3 locations where a ...,
What is a constructive plate margin,
What is a destructive plate margin
17  cards
Case Study - Volcano (Iceland)
What type of volcano is this,
When did the volcano erupt,
Where does the volcano lie on
18  cards
Earthquakes - The main features
What is an earthquake,
What causes an earthquake,
How many earthquakes are there ea...
16  cards
Earthquakes - Parts of an Earthquake
What is the name of the place whe...,
Where do earthquakes with deep fo...,
What is the place on the earth s ...
14  cards
Case Study - Japan Earthquake
In what year did this earthquake ...,
What did this earthquake measure ...,
Where did the earthquake struck off
28  cards
Drainage basins
What is a drainage basin,
What is a drainage basin also kno...,
When it rains in a river basin wh...
26  cards
Characteristics of a river
What is not a primary function of...,
In which section of the river is ...,
As you move from the source of th...
15  cards
Case study - The Indus River Basin, Pakistan
Where does the indus river origin...,
Where does the river flow through,
What is the river called
19  cards
Case Study Coast - Dorset
What is dorset famous for,
What does the dorset coast form p...,
Where does the jurassic coast str...
7  cards
Case Study - A tropical rainforest
Where is the amazon rainforest lo...,
What is the size of the amazon ra...,
What are the main threats to the ...
8  cards
What is weather,
What is not an element of weather,
What is typical weather known as
9  cards
Case study - An area of hot desert
What area is this study on,
What does the sahara cover,
What type of climate is the sahara
26  cards

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geography igcse natural environment

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