geography: hazards

This class was created by Brainscape user Anemone HEIN. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (21)

Natural Hazards - vulnerability and perceptions
What makes a hazard,
What model is used to determine a...,
Give the 5 hazard types
12  cards
Hazard Management
What are the 3 ps of hazard manag...,
Define prediction,
Define protection in a hazard sense
11  cards
Divergent plate boundaries
What are divergent plate boundaries,
What hazards occur at divergent p...,
Why is there a ridge from the oce...
9  cards
Plate Movement and convergent plate boundaries
How many layers make up the struc...,
What s the difference between oce...,
What are the names of the section...
13  cards
Transform plate plate boundaries
What is a transform plate boundary,
What hazards are apparent at tran...,
What are other names to be aware ...
5  cards
Seismic hazards revision :)
Name 3 facts about primary waves,
Name 3 facts about shear secondar...,
What are ray leigh waves what are...
41  cards
Tohoku - earthquake and Tsunami 2011
When did the event occur,
What was it on the richter scale,
What factors made this quake severe
11  cards
Haiti earthquake + tsunami - 2010
What was the magnitude of the qua...,
How many years of development did...,
What percentage of administrative...
5  cards
volcanic hazards
Can you give some primary volcani...,
Give an example of a case involvi...,
Give an example of a case study i...
29  cards
Nyiragongo volcanic eruption 2002
When did the nyiragongo eruption ...,
What country is nyiragongo locate...,
Give 3 points describing the loca...
19  cards
2021 Nyiragongo eruption
When did nyiragongo erupt,
How do you spell the name of this...,
What were the death rates compare...
9  cards
Etna 2021 eruption HIC
0  cards
0  cards
The Paradise wildfires
When was the paradise wildfire,
What physical factors make this a...,
What type of pine tree is present...
6  cards
Storm hazards
Give the 5 factors that cause sto...,
What is the coriolis force,
What is the low level convergence...
24  cards
Hurricane Matthew 2016
What category on the saffir simps...,
How many died,
How did hair
3  cards
New Orleans
Why is new orleans vulnerable to ...,
2  cards
Haiti - a multi-hazardous environment!
Haiti has had a turbulent past it...,
Why did the usa invade haiti,
Who was papa doc
26  cards
Positives and negatives of the Parks Model and the HMC
0  cards
Small case studies for specific events.
Name a good case study for lahars
1  cards

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geography: hazards

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