geography case studies

This class was created by Brainscape user Ethan Bamigbade. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Curitiba- [sustainable urban living]
Curitiba background information,
Curitiba what problems has it fac...,
Curitiba what transport schemes i...
7  cards
Jamaica-[tourism to reduce development gap]
Jamaica what is some background i...,
5  cards
Rio-[A case study of a major city in a LIC/NEE]
Rio what is some background infor...,
Rio what are the cause of populat...,
Rio what opportunities are there
7  cards
Christchurch, New Zealand- [and example of effects and responses to a tectonic hazard in an HIC]
Christchurch what is some backgro...,
Christchurch what is are some pri...,
Christchurch what
5  cards
Nepal- [an example of effect and responses to a tectonic hazard in an LIC]
Nepal what is some background inf...,
5  cards
Chambamontera-[local renewable energy scheme in LIC or NEE]
Chamba monetara what is the issue...,
Chambamonetera what are social be...
5  cards
Typhoon Haiyan
Typhoon haiyan what are some back...,
Typhoon haiyan what were the soci...,
Typhoon haiyan
6  cards
Amazon Rainforest
Amazon rainforest what is some ba...,
Amazon rainforest,
Amazon rainforest
6  cards
Mojave Desert- [a case study of a hot environment]
Mojave desert,
Mojave desert what are the opport...,
Mojave desert what are the challe...
3  cards
Sahel- [an example of an area on the fringe of hot deserts]
Sahel what is desertification,
Sahel what ways of managing deser...
2  cards
London- [A case study of a major city in the UK]
London what is the background inf...,
London what us the national regio...
7  cards
Rio- [An example of how urban planning is improving the quality of life for the urban poor]
What are favelas,
What are ways in which the favela...,
What are the effects of the 2016 ...
5  cards
Newham- [An example of an urban regeneration project]
What is background of newham,
Why did newham need gentrification,
What are features of the regenera...
3  cards
Nigeria- [A case study of one LIC or NEE]
What is the location of nigeria,
What is the regional and global i...,
What is nigeria s industrial stru...
7  cards
Torr Quarry- [An example of how modern industrial development can be more environmentally sustainable]
What is some background information,
What are the problems here,
What are some sustainable solutions
3  cards

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geography case studies

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