This class was created by Brainscape user Akash Patel. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

Chile and Nepal earthquakes (Tectonic hazards)
When was the chile earthquake,
When was the nepal earthquake,
Chile hdi
12  cards
Resource Management
What is a resource,
What is qol,
What is standard of living
38  cards
Natural hazards
What is a natural hazard,
What are the 2 main types of hazard,
Factors that affect hazard risk
7  cards
Tectonic hazards
Why do plates move,
What are the types of plate margin,
What happens at destructive bound...
8  cards
Weather hazards
What is the order of cells going ...,
What is global atmospheric circul...,
Why does air move
20  cards
Climate change
What is the quaternary period,
What has happened to the climate ...,
When did the last glacial period end
9  cards
What is an ecosystem,
What is a decomposer,
What does a nutrient cycle
19  cards
Tropical rainforests
What is the climate generally lik...,
What is soil like in tropical rai...,
What are plants like in tropical ...
12  cards
Cold environments
What is the climate like in polar...,
What are the,
How has the bearberry plant adapt...
9  cards
The UK physical landscape
Where are the uk s main upland areas,
Where are the uk s main lowland a...,
Where are most uk cities
3  cards
Coastal landscapes in the UK
How do waves form,
Features of a constructive wave,
Features of a destructive wave
29  cards
How do glaciers erode the landsca...,
How do glaciers move,
What is material left behind by g...
15  cards
Urbanisation and Mumbai
What is urbanisation,
What is urbanisation caused by,
Examples of push factors out of r...
16  cards
What makes bristol a major uk city,
Why is bristol importance interna...,
What is the impact of migration
16  cards
How has freiburg reduced landfill,
Social planning in freiburg,
Economic planning in freiburg
4  cards
Traffic congestion + Development + Nigeria
How are freiburg reducing traffic...,
How ae singapore reducing traffic...,
How are beijing reducing traffic ...
28  cards
Economic development in the UK
How has the uk economy changed,
What are the main causes of econo...,
What is a post industrial economy
22  cards

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