This class was created by Brainscape user Fraser King. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (20)

Rio de Janeiro - Opportunities created by urban growth
What percentage of population gro...,
What stats prove rio s education ...,
What stats prove rio s healthcare...
23  cards
Rio de Janeiro – location and causes of growth
Where is rio de janeiro located,
Describe the location of places s...,
How has rio s economy grown
23  cards
Natural hazards
Define natural hazard,
Why are some natural disasters no...,
What are 6 types of natural disaster
41  cards
Amatrice earthquake statistics
How many people died,
How many were made homeless,
What percentage of buildings were...
17  cards
Bam earthquake statistics
How many people died,
How many people were injured,
How many people were made homeless
17  cards
Rio - Challenges created by urban growth
What is a favela,
Why are favelas illegal,
What is the biggest favela in rio
40  cards
The growth of urban areas and urbanisation
Define rural,
Define urban,
Since what year have there been m...
18  cards
Mojave desert (case study)
What is the highest recorded temp...,
How much rain is there on average...,
How much has lake mead decreased ...
22  cards
The sahel (desert fringe) (case study)
Where is the sahel,
What is desertification,
How many people are living in are...
28  cards
What is swash,
What is backwash,
What factors affect the amount of...
60  cards
Physical geography enquiry (Lyme Regis)
What is the title for coastal man...,
What are the 3 main processes act...,
What are the erosional processes
17  cards
Human and physical geography enquiry (Durdle door and Lulworth cove)
What was the focus,
When did we do it,
What were the weather conditions
9  cards
Extreme UK weather (and Somerset case study)
Why does the uk have extreme weather,
What is a depression,
What are anticyclones
22  cards
Global atmospheric circulation
What are winds,
How do differences in air pressur...,
What is the pressure at the equat...
23  cards
Water: supply insecurities and strategies to increase supply
What is water surplus,
What is water deficit what does i...,
Where is there the most water def...
7  cards
Impacts of migration in Birmingham
Where is birmingham,
What is birmingham s population,
Why is birmingham s location impo...
8  cards
Opportunities and challenges creating urban changes in Birmingham
What are the 3 types of opportuni...,
What are the social opportunities...,
What are some economic opportunit...
18  cards
India overview
Where is india ranked in size,
What is india s population,
What are 2 large neighboring coun...
14  cards
Economic development in India
What are some products india prod...,
What is india s biggest to 3rd bi...,
How much does india s gdp grow pe...
36  cards
Tropical storms
What are the different names for ...,
2  cards

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