This class was created by Brainscape user rhea hackwell. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (24)

global systems
What is globalisation,
What are the factors of globalisa...,
What are the flows of globalisation
47  cards
water cycle
What are the pressures facing the...,
What are the 4 major stores of water,
What percentage of the total glob...
16  cards
Holderness coastline
Which coastline is europe s faste...,
Since the roman times how much of...,
What is the primary geology of th...
17  cards
Tohoku Japan: 2011
What year was the tohoku earthquake,
How many after shocks,
How many foreshocks
27  cards
Port-au-Prince, Haiti: 2010
What is the attitude to hazards i...,
How much of haiti s gdp is made u...,
What is a physical factor that in...
24  cards
Australian wildfire: 2019-2020
What was the average temperature ...,
How high were the flames,
How fast were the winds
6  cards
What percentage of poole is white...,
What percentage of poole is chris...,
What piece of qualitative data ca...
16  cards
What are the four main opportunities,
How many species of fauna and flo...,
What percentage of locals does aq...
28  cards
Brick Lane, Shoreditch
What does the imd show about bric...,
What is the healthcare like,
Which painting can be used when d...
6  cards
Why did boscombe need rebranding,
What did they win in 2010,
When did they win pier of the year
9  cards
Why was there a white flight,
What percentage of crimes go unso...,
In what year did detroit declare ...
10  cards
Typhoon Haiyan: 2013
What year did typhoon haiyan occur
1  cards
Dorset River Stour
What is the geology of the upper ...,
What is the geology of the middle...,
What is the geology of the lower ...
17  cards
carbon cycle
What is it called when carbon is ...,
What are the major stores of carbon,
What are the three forms of carbo...
24  cards
Amazon rainforest
How many people is the rainforest...,
How much of the worlds oxygen doe...,
What percentage of the forest has...
27  cards
What percentage of the population...,
What three unequal flows does uga...,
What number are they close to on ...
10  cards
What is the value of apple,
How many retail stores across how...,
How does apple exemplify sustaina...
17  cards
Which sdg links to overfishing,
What sdg links to tourism,
What sdg links to scientific rese...
14  cards
banana trade
What percentage of bananas from c...,
What country is the largest produ...,
What percentage of ecuador s gdp ...
3  cards
population and the evironment
Birth rate,
Death rate,
Population density
42  cards
What is a nuees ardentes,
What are lava flows,
What are mudflows
7  cards
Terminal groyne syndrome
1  cards
What percentage of the city is gr...,
What is peoples access to the gre...
2  cards
last min fixes paper one
What is a tombolo,
What is an offshore bar,
What is a bar
14  cards

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