This class was created by Brainscape user Neerav Soni. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

What is a natural hazard,
Different types of natural hazards,
Factors increasing the risk of na...
60  cards
1. Natural Hazards
What is a natural hazard,
What are 6 factors affecting haza...,
What is the structure of the earth
17  cards
2. Tectonic Hazards
What is the structure of the earth,
What are the 2 types of crusts,
What is the slab pull theory
35  cards
3. Weather Hazards
0  cards
4. Climate Change
What is the evidence for climate ...,
What is the evidence for the evid...,
What is the greenhouse effect
6  cards
5. Ecosystems
What is an ecosystem,
What is a producer,
What is a consumer
14  cards
6. Tropical Rainforests
What continents are tropical rain...,
What is the climate like in tropi...,
What are the soils in tropical ra...
26  cards
8. Cold Environments
What is a cold environment,
What are the characteristics of p...,
What are characteristics of tundr...
24  cards
9. UK Landscapes
What is relief,
Where are the uplands in the uk g...,
Where are the lowlands in the uk ...
7  cards
10. Coastal Landscapes
What factors is the height and st...,
What are the properties of a cons...,
What are the properties of destru...
54  cards
11. River Landscapes
How does a profile of a river cha...,
What types of landforms and erosi...,
What types of landforms and erosi...
47  cards
16. The Development Gap
What is development,
What is the development gap,
What factors go into hdi
32  cards
17. Nigeria
What is nigeria s general climate,
How much,
What is nigeria s importance in a...
33  cards
18. UK Economy
What has been the general trend c...,
Why has de industrialisation occu...,
What has the effect of globalisat...
36  cards
19. Resource Management
What is the general trend for foo...,
What are food miles,
What is the impact of importing food
23  cards
22 Energy Management
What is the global pattern for en...,
What is energy insecurity,
Which regions have an energy inse...
25  cards

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