This class was created by Brainscape user Brad H. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

Midterm prep: The Communist Manifesto by Marx and Engels
Question what is the communist ma...,
Question how do marx and engels s...,
Question what are some of the key...
26  cards
Midterm Prep: The Industrial Revolution, Chris Harmen
What is the timeframe of the firs...,
What is labor discipline,
What is time space compression
33  cards
Midterm Prep: The Conditions of the Working Class in England, Engels
Front what was the jenny,
Front who were the agrarian prole...,
Front what is the hosiery industry
42  cards
Midterm prep: The Development of Underdevelopment, Andre Gunder Frank
What is the main argument of the ...,
What is the definition of underde...,
What is the definition of develop...
14  cards
Historical geography's of Capitalism
What drives growth expansion inno...,
What is the coercive laws of comp...,
What do the coersive laws of comp...
13  cards
The Suburb and the Industrial City: Manchester
Describe the rapid urbanization a...,
Describe emergence of suburbs as ...,
What were the characteristics of ...
12  cards
What role did coffeehouses play i...,
How did coffee influence the enli...,
How did coffeehouses facilitate t...
42  cards
What is white flight,
Effects of fordism on workers
19  cards
History of capitalism
0  cards
Logisitcs, amazonification
0  cards
The Neolibral city
Question what is neoliberalism,
Question what was the response to...,
Question what are some characteri...
12  cards
City of Quartz, Davis, M
What is the architectural glacis ...,
Who designed a library in hollywo...,
Why does the lapd barricade stree...
112  cards
What is the article about,
What is a third place,
What is the main argument of the ...
90  cards
Putting Women In Place
How is the urban imagery portraye...,
How does the urban imagery in the...,
How has the portrayal of the city...
88  cards
Gay New York
What public spaces did gay men fr...,
How did gay men respond to the th...,
How was the gay street culture in...
46  cards
Environment and Society
When was wolf 832f killed and by ...,
What was unique about 832f,
When were wolves reintroduced to ...
66  cards
Exam Prep. Which quote is this?
We live in fortress cities brutal...,
We live in fortress cities brutal...,
In los angeles once upon a time a...
47  cards
Class questions.
City of quartz davis m what does ...,
Oldenburg r the great good place ...,
Oldenburg r the great good place ...
16  cards
Exam deck
What is the panopticon concept in...,
What does davis mean by the death...,
What is the olmstedian vision of ...
103  cards

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geog 220

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