genes and gene expression

This class was created by Brainscape user Dema Hassan. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

lecture 1: genes & genomes
What is a genome,
Genome size,
How are genomes organised
35  cards
Studying gene expression II
Process of northern blotting,
S1 nuclease protection assay,
Real time qpcr
11  cards
regulation of transcription factors I
Constitutive expression,
Inducible expression,
Types of cell signalling
33  cards
regulation of transcription factor II
What is tumor hypoxia,
What is involved in hypoxia to fo...,
What is involved in hypoxia to fo...
23  cards
RNA interference and its applications
What is rna interference,
Biological roles of rnai,
Triggering rnai
40  cards
Gene editing
Basic principle of editing,
Why do we want to edit genes,
What are ds breaks associated with
24  cards
Mechanism & regulation of translation I
What is the central dogma,
Protein synthesis,
What can protein synthesis regula...
40  cards
Mechanism and regulation of translation II
43s pre in complex also interacts...,
What are sucrose gradients,
How are ribosomal complexes separ...
54  cards
DNA repair I
Mistakes by dna polymerase,
Spontaneous dna damage,
Chemical or radiation attack
28  cards
DNA repair II
Unnatural ds dna breaks,
Natural ds dna breaks,
Non homologous end joining
14  cards
V(D)J recombination
What is v d j,
How does vdj carry out its function,
Vdj recombination
11  cards
DNA transposition
What are transposons,
Where are transposons found,
What is in the structure of a typ...
10  cards
relevance of transcription
Differential gene expression,
Regulation of gene expression
11  cards
basal transcriptional machinery
Main features of pol ii structure,
Eukaryotes have 3 rna polymerases,
What does transcription require
5  cards

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genes and gene expression

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