general - physiology 🫁

This class was created by Brainscape user Ahmed Farag. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

L1: Functional Organization of The Human Body, Body Fluids and Homeostasis
Organization of the human body,
What are cells considered,
What does plasma or cell membrane...
25  cards
L2: Functional organization of the cell membrane and transport through the cell membrane
What is the cell membrane,
What is the thickness of the cell...,
What is the function of the cell ...
45  cards
L3: Functional divisions of the nervous system and autonomic Nervous System
What provides most of the control...,
What does the nervous system do,
What is the neuron
28  cards
L4: Autonomic ganglia and functions of sympathetic NS to head and neck
What is the origin of sympathetic...,
What is the relay of the lhcs of ...,
What are the parts affected by th...
11  cards
L5: Functions of sympathetic supply to thorax, abdomen, and pelvis
What is the origin of sympathetic...,
What is the relay o the sympathet...,
What is the sympathetic supply to...
28  cards
L6: Functions of parasympathetic supply to head and neck, thorax, abdomen and pelvis
What is the origin and relay of t...,
What is the origin and relay of t...,
What is the origin and relay of t...
26  cards
L7: Cholinergic Transmission
What is the definition of a synapse,
What is the structure of a synapse,
What is the definition of the ele...
37  cards
L8: Membrane potentials and resting membrane potentials
What are the types of membrane po...,
What is the graded potential,
What are examples of graded poten...
20  cards
L9: Ionic Bases Of Action Potential
What is the definition of the act...,
What are the components of the ac...,
What is the definition of depolar...
11  cards
L10: Adrenergic Transmission
What is noradrenaline,
What are catecholamines,
What are the sites of the release...
27  cards
L11: Propagation of Action Potential In Different Types of Nerve Fibres
What happens to action potential ...,
What is the function of action po...,
What are nerve fibres classified ...
21  cards
What is the effect of hyperkalemi...,
What is the number of neurons,
What is the function of neuroglia
12  cards

More about
general - physiology 🫁

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