gastrointestinal (equine)

This class was created by Brainscape user Kai Sainsbury. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

Chronic colic and weight loss
What are the four mechanisms of w...,
What are the main three causes of...,
What percentage bodyweight fibre ...
43  cards
Liver disease and hyperlipidaemia
What are the functions of the liver,
What are some possible signs of l...,
What is jaundice
58  cards
Colic epidemiology
What colics is crib biting and wi...,
What colic is increased concentra...,
What colic is changing type batch...
22  cards
Anatomy (1)
What are the three parts of the l...,
Where does fermentation mainly oc...,
What separates the caecum from ve...
16  cards
Colic/diarrhoea (Yr 3)
What are some clinical signs of c...,
What causes gi colic,
What are the different classifica...
21  cards
Applied parasitology (Yr 4)
When are horses at risk of colic ...,
Why does post worming colic occur,
What can be done to minimise the ...
22  cards
Weight loss (Yr 4)
What are the four mechanisms of w...,
What are the top three differenti...,
What is the difference between ch...
13  cards
Medical colic (Yr 4)
What are indications that a colic...,
What is a good first line analges...,
What is the risk with using fluni...
33  cards
Surgical colic (Yr 4)
What are some common surgical colics,
What should always be considered ...,
What are the main surgical colics...
8  cards
Dentistry (Yr 3)
How fast do equine teeth erupt,
What is the deciduous dental formula,
What is the permanent dental formula
10  cards
Parasites (Yr3)
What age are cyathostomins typica...,
Where is the parasitic stage of c...,
What is the infective stage of cy...
26  cards
Infectious disease (Yr2)
1  cards

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gastrointestinal (equine)

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